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Hebrew construct search

Henk de Waard

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Dear all,


I'm new to Accordance, coming from BibleWorks. I've already watched quite a few instruction videos and turorials, but there is still much to learn. One of the things I love in Accordance is the Construct Search-function, but this is also where my question is about.


I was searching for all verses in the Hebrew Bible in which the verb PL' "to be wonderful" occurs in conjunction with the preposition min "from" and the noun dabar "word, thing". So I put these three items in the Construct Search window (see the picture I attached), and, since the order of the items was irrelevant, I selected the box "Search both directions". This gave me the three results you see in the picture. What puzzled me, however, was that Jer 32:27 was not included in de results (actually the verse that made me to do the search), while in this verse the three items do occur (in the order min-PL'-dabar). No doubt, I'm doing something wrong, but I fail to see what's my fault. Perhaps it's still something to do with the order of the items?


It would be great if someone could introduce me further into the wonders of Accordance--thanks a lot in advance!


Henk de Waard

Hebr construct search.jpg

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I think the problem is that Jer 32:27 has the three words in a different order. Search both directions is not search all permutations. So it will find פלא מנ דבר and דבר מנ  פלא but not מנ פלא דבר which is what you have in Jer 32.27. If you swap מנ and פלא you will get Jer 32:27, but not the others.




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Many thanks to both of you; this really helps!


It would be helpful to have a "search all permutations"-possibility in the construct search as well, wouldn't it?

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