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Workflow suggestions for using both Accordance and Logos

Blake Johnson

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I keep my notes outside of both platforms. I’ve been using Nota Bene for notes so I can search them with Orbis, but I may even convert them to a format that can be opened in a standards-based app in case I need to use them on a machine without Nota Bene. Pretty much everything has worked well if you can simply remember that notes are stored outside your Bible app. 🙂 

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2 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

I keep my notes outside of both platforms. I’ve been using Nota Bene for notes so I can search them with Orbis, but I may even convert them to a format that can be opened in a standards-based app in case I need to use them on a machine without Nota Bene. Pretty much everything has worked well if you can simply remember that notes are stored outside your Bible app. 🙂 


One suggestion for development might be the following. Just as Accordance has added on a web page in order to access internet ressources, could it also envision some kind of system whereby you could write notes in Accordance, along with the usual "note button" beside verses or paragraphs, and have it saved by default to another format that could be chosen by the user, such as txt., docx, etc.?


Also, I believe exporting note files in a format that isn't proprietary (or, at least, that is more universal) would be a desideratum.

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Good pointers. I can select text in a text or tool and export as an RTF file, but it doesn’t seem that’s an option for notes yet. 

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On 1/4/2023 at 6:25 AM, Donald Cobb said:


One suggestion for development might be the following. Just as Accordance has added on a web page in order to access internet ressources, could it also envision some kind of system whereby you could write notes in Accordance, along with the usual "note button" beside verses or paragraphs, and have it saved by default to another format that could be chosen by the user, such as txt., docx, etc.?


Also, I believe exporting note files in a format that isn't proprietary (or, at least, that is more universal) would be a desideratum.

The developers are thinking about this: I don’t remember which developer it was, but he said a couple of months ago that he was considering Markdown. That’s a well-known format, and would make it easy to offer editing GUIs on all platforms (Android and perhaps Accordance Cloud need editing support). However, it’s not WYSIWYG (unless you have a particularly clever GUI), and doesn’t support everything the current interface does (different fonts and font sizes, small caps).


Personally, I would be happy with Markdown notes, but I don’t know if everyone would be.

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I would be very happy with MarkDown and it ties Accordance into many of core apps - Ulysses,  Drafts, Craft. etc.,

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5 hours ago, jlm said:

The developers are thinking about this: I don’t remember which developer it was, but he said a couple of months ago that he was considering Markdown. That’s a well-known format, and would make it easy to offer editing GUIs on all platforms (Android and perhaps Accordance Cloud need editing support). However, it’s not WYSIWYG (unless you have a particularly clever GUI), and doesn’t support everything the current interface does (different fonts and font sizes, small caps).


Personally, I would be happy with Markdown notes, but I don’t know if everyone would be.


I'm not crazy about markdown unless the app has a "preview" option so I don't have to look at markdown symbols.

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Thanks for the feedback! I’ll pass this on.

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/2/2023 at 10:43 PM, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

I use both Bible study apps, although I have pivoted to Accordance as my primary Bible app. If there are any particular things you’re doing in each app that you’d like me to chat about better integrating the two into your Bible study workflow, let me know. The pointers on using the Logos Web App in Accordance are excellent.


In terms of the Quran in Accordance, don’t forget that Accordance also publishes a bunch of Jewish material as well, as Accordance has a solid Jewish user base. They offer the Rabbinics package, Talmud, Mishnah, etc. Actually Accordance’s Jewish audience is an advantage of Accordance over some Bible study apps. While some of the other apps offer similar materials, Accordance has done (and likely will increase doing so) marketing to these audiences. As one who is of Jewish ancestry, I’m glad to see Accordance marketing to Jewish customers, and I personally have benefitted from some of the Jewish works in Accordance as I’ve tried to better learn about my own Jewish background. I would argue that such resources would also be beneficial for Christian scholars and pastors using Accordance learning about some of the Jewish context of Scripture. They’re also useful for OT scholars (and possibly NT scholars).


I’ve never read the Quran, and the majority of lay customers likely won’t need it. I also don’t see this as a means for Accordance to try to market to Muslim customers (although it’s possible a Muslim customer may come across Accordance and decide to give it a try), but there are scholars and missionaries who do consult it for missions work or for scholarly purposes, as they do other world religions texts (the other major Bible software app published the “Great Sacred Books of the East” for this purpose), so I understand why it’s being sold. In the past, I always “frowned” upon a “Christian Bible Software” platform selling “non Christian books” (and even “non evangelical books”), but going through a PhD program and learning what it means to be a Bible scholar quickly helped me to understand that Christian scholars aren’t restricted to reading evangelical books.

Hi, is there any updates to the links Logos uses? I've tried the links posted on this forum but they open my BDAG to the title page instead of amplifying it to the internal web browser. I've copied the link from both the web and Logos program itself. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks.

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