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Completion of Hebrew Syntax Database (HMT-W4 Grammatical Syntax Add-On)?

Benjamin Noonan

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Recently I've been making good use of the Hebrew Syntax Database (HMT-W4 Grammatical Syntax Add-On) for a book project. It's an excellent, invaluable resource for conducting syntax-related searches. That said, because the last update to it was 11/2/18, and because Isaiah 7-39, 56-66 still remains, I recently contacted Accordance's Customer Service to see if there is an estimated completion date. They weren't able to give me any timeframe and suggested I post my question here, hopefully to get an accurate response and also to benefit other users who may have the same question.


So: Is the plan still to finish the HMT-W4 Grammatical Syntax database? If so, are there any estimates as to when it might be completed? (I understand this project is a huge undertaking and hope I don't come across as impatient in asking this; I simply hope to learn what plans there are for the database's completion, since it is such a great resource.)

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Yes, I am committed to finishing this summer. Isaiah *is* a difficult book and my work has been interrupted by a number of non-academic events. But I will finish it this summer.

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  • 1 year later...

The Accordance page for the module doesn't list any updates since 2018 (https://www.accordancebible.com/product/grammatical-syntax-add-on-to-hmt-w4/), and I haven't heard anything. Perhaps Dr. Holmstedt can speak again to when this will be completed; I assume he'll see our two posts here.

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Between covid and my father's passing, I am still year behind (on many projects). I was able to become productive again in July so I am slowly making progress. 


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  • 1 year later...

Status update on this is?

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Looking forward to this!

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@Robert Holmstedt can answer this when he has a free moment.

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Working on it, is all I can say. Still juggling multiple old projects. But at least some have gone into the publisher, so I'm making headway. I ask for a bit more patience. 


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Thanks for the update! Much appreciated! Keep up the great work!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a different question/issue about the same module. When I "Check for content update," the app always shows a 3.1 upgrade available. The product page, however, ends at 3.0. Trying to download the update through Content Update does nothing, and the item listing remains. What's up with that? I’m guessing this is a question for @Dr. Nathan Parker et al.,  not for @Robert Holmstedt.



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I'm having our teams look into this. I can confirm it on iOS.


In the meantime, if you email Tech Support, we can send you a file manually that'll provide a workaround.

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