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Please allow for customization of the new Enhanced Timeline date range

Steven MacDonald

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Please allow for customization of the new Enhanced Timeline date range.  It's limit is exactly 4000 BC.


I was attempting to create a custom list using the Define User Items option in the new Timeline module and realized that my initial date for an item was limited to 4000 BC exactly.  


I was trying to use a start date for the Creation/Adam of 4166 BC.



Can you please add the ability to add a custom starting date?


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This would be really nice. Even though the new timeline has Ussher's chronology which starts at 4004 BC, it does not actually allow for a date previous to 4000 BC to be entered.

I personally would like to see it go to about 6000 BC to allow for the longer chronology. Associates for Biblical Research has been doing work on this for quite some time to establish to original numbers of Genesis 5 & 11. See their website https://biblearchaeology.org/abr-projects-main/genesis-5-11-project  more information. Based on their reconstruction of the original numbers based on the MT, LXX, Samaritan Pentateuch and others, the creation date would be around 5554 BC, the flood around 3298 BC. These dates make more sense with regard to the Biblical text and Abraham being considered really old. It also fits the world timeline better with the flood being prior to the various civilizations starting.

Long Timeline.png

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