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The Passion Translation

roland worton

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As a new user of Accordance, am requesting TPT to be added.


I understand that the mention of this 'translation' can stir strong feelings, and DO NOT want to start a debate. I am already pulling on TPT in other software to compare and study, and It would be fantastic if it was available within Accordance as a support interpretation similar to The Message, to be used alongside more solid translations - for THOSE WHO WANT TO USE IT 🙂

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  • 2 months later...

I think that it would be great to have this translation as a part of the Accordance package.  What I think many need to understand is Brian Simmons' heart in doing this translation.  Many on here are highly educated and scholars.  You have a gift to understand many of things that others do not.  Brian's goal is to make it simple for new believers to read God's passion for His people.  Not to replace the deep text studies that we all use everyday.  Many of the translations we rejected at first, like the Amplified and Message, both available now in Accordance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another vote here for The Passion Translation.  I just like to stay in Accordance. I move from study, to meditation, to inspiration, back to study, all in Accordance. So, I will bounce between versions to meditate and be inspired as to how the scriptures can be applied into my life in a practical way. The Bible app includes TPT, so I will occasionally switch to that for the Passion translation. But, it would be great to be able to stay in Accordance. 

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  • 11 months later...

Add my vote! Several other PC-only and iOS software packages include this, and two of church members just referred to it. 

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