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Infopane and maps on iOS?


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Hi, I can’t find the infopane and maps on the iOS version. Is this a known issue?


while I am here, I have the NIV Bible and the eerdman’s dictionary on the bottom on my iPhone. I am surprised that as I scroll through the Bible, relevant terms in the dictionary such as people and places are not displaying.  It’s just a dump of the text.  I am looking for the infopane or the resource guide from the otree company’s product. This I would assume is how most people would expect things to work? It works on Mac but not iOS. Any reason why?


thank you!

Edited by murraymartin
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Neither the Info-pane nor the Accordance atlas are available on the mobile platform.  Personally I'd love to see info-pane or an equivalent added, it gives access to topics, keywords, and wordlists and well as the usual links to commentaries etc,.  One the main reasons I couldn't go full iOS.


Dictionaries and most tools are not designed to scroll.  You can hold down on the word and use amplify to jump to key words.  

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Wow I am surprised. Very. Has the company committed to adding at least an infopane to the iOS? Is this old news around here?

What is the workaround to having all relevant info concerning a verse presented to you on iOS then?


I see the amplify feature but it seems rather plain in terms of power and flexibility. 

Edited by murraymartin
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Mobile (iOS/Android) implementations are behind traditional (macOS/Windows) platforms. But pretty much every feature is on the list to be added at some point in the future.

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