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Take a course to learn beginning and intermediate features of Accordance Bible software!


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Fellow Bible enthusiasts, 


If you or someone you know is interested in picking up Accordance Bible software and building your own Accordance library, or if you've had Accordance for a while but would like to become more familiar with its features, sign up for my upcoming course on Accordance!


My name is André-Philippe Therrien ("André") and I am teaching the first part of a 2-part course on Accordance for TorahResource Institute, an online Christian school (some might call it “Messianic”). The course is called 801Ac - Using Accordance Bible Software. It follows a weekly format (Tuesday to Monday) and runs from April 6 to June 14.


The course consists of the following: 1) video lessons that demonstrate concepts in Accordance; 2) written notes that provide a more detailed description; 3) exercises or quizzes to put the concepts into practice.


The course is taught in two parts. The second part is only a half quarter long (6 weeks instead of 10 weeks) and will be offered in a subsequent quarter. Over both parts of the course, most all of the English features of Accordance are covered except for the English Construct, Papers and the [MERGE] and [COUNT] commands. The second part of the course includes an optional Greek and Hebrew features add-on which makes it a full 10-week course. The Greek and Hebrew add-on includes Greek and Hebrew grammatical tagging and searches. I plan to add syntax to the syllabus for that add-on as well. 


The course comes with a coupon code for Accordance collections and a secondary coupon code for a discount on individually purchased modules. 


If you want to know more about the features that will be taught in this course, please consult my syllabus here: https://tr-institute.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/andre-classes/801ac/801ac-syllabus-2021spring.pdf

If you would like to register for this course, please visit the product page here: https://torahresource.com/product/800ac-using-accordance-bible-software/

If you have any questions about the course, please post a reply below. 

André-Philippe Therrien
Instructor at TorahResource Institute

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