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Single Search: All Greek Texts


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I would like to search a phrase in all of my Greek texts (i.e., single search but through all Greek texts). How do I do it?

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Create a group with all your Greek texts in it and then use that in a Research tab query. I do it all the time.




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Thanks, Ruby. I seem to recall a different way, however, and one that did not require creating a group.

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There is a Greek Bibles group already created and a Greek Extrabiblical and one other I think, but if you want to cover all of them you may want to create a group to cover them all. Or you can do what Rick suggests.




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You can also just do a basic search in Research in Greek for all texts, and it will return the results just of the Greek texts. 

I didn't realize this would restrict to the Greek texts only, so there is no wasted effort searching other texts. That's simpler certainly.

What I cannot do though is search Greek text user bibles but I think that is a problem more generally that Accordance doesn't know what they are. They are searched as English which is incorrect and I don't exactly know how to make that work. Oddly I can enter the text I want to search for in Unicode and it finds hits but will not show them. I can see the counts of hits and verses but the pane is blank. I should probably open a separate thread on this.




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Ruby: I also found the same results by searching the phrase in the Research field and selecting "All" and "Greek." What confused me is that some of the Greek texts in my library were not showing up in the results. What I did not know at the time is this was because the phrase does not appear in them. Thanks again.

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FYI, Ruby is the status of both Daniel and me in this discussion--as in a higher rank than gold, silver, and bronze based on post count. Ruby is not anyone's name--at least not here (because Ruby's gone--she took her love to town). 



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FYI, Ruby is the status of both Daniel and me in this discussion--as in a higher rank than gold, silver, and bronze based on post count. Ruby is not anyone's name--at least not here (because Ruby's gone--she took her love to town).



I wonder if it would be possible to change the display of posts to make it clearer that Ruby and Mithril are statuses. It seems to be a common mistake.

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I wonder if it would be possible to change the display of posts to make it clearer that Ruby and Mithril are statuses. It seems to be a common mistake.

While I agree, I suspect I bring it on myself somewhat for having my name in Hebrew. Maybe time to transliterate again.




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As a quick hack, you could stick something like this in the forum's CSS:

.member_title::before {
    content: "Status: ";


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