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Acc 13.1.5 crashing on startup


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Accordance 13.1.5, Windows 10 (updated), LG Gram


Was running fine a week or 2 ago, now crashes on startup. I reinstalled but still crashes. I checked all boxes on safe bootloader and got it to start up. I customized toolbar and closed all tabs. Crashes on relaunch. I copied Accordance Files folder from other PC (on which Accordance runs), didn't seem to have an effect. 


Attaching some of the crash logs.


Hope I can get Acc back to working!


Accordance_2021_01_19 16_18_05.txt

Accordance_2021_01_19 15_58_08.txt

Accordance_2021_01_16 19_09_42.txt

Accordance_2021_01_16 09_43_24.txt

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Based on your crash log, this is happening while loading one of your notes files.  Specifically, it's a notes file that doesn't have the amynote file extension, which probably means it's one of the older format note files with the acc4 file extension.  Or possibly one of your note files has the wrong file extension or no file extension.


You can confirm this by moving any files in your User Notes folder without the amynote file extension to another folder.  If it still crashes, post the new crash log.  But if it launches, you can try opening the notes files you moved one at a time until one causes a crash.  In that case, please send me the offending note file and I will try to see what went wrong with it.

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Thank you, Silas, that did it! It was a notes file that had no extension. Not sure when/how that happened. I hadn't been in that file in many months. I confirmed both PCs crashed at startup, I added the amynote extension and now both are working. 


Is there a best practice on using Accordance on 2 PC's? I have a desktop & laptop, both Win 10, on my home network (same WiFi), and I'd like a seamless user experience. I recall reading somewhere that there are 4 folders that can be copied to a new computer to replicate one's Acc environment/settings. What do I need to copy from PC A to PC B (both Win 10) to have Acc on PC B be the same as PC A? And, where do I specify where those files/folders are located? Maybe I can move those to a location that is replicated between both PC's (e.g. a homeshare that is sync'd using 3rd party software, or putting the files/folders into a location that MS OneDrive keeps synchronized)??


Thanks again! Great to be able to get into Acc again. Kind regards.

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So the file was not corrupt, just missing an extension?  I hope it wasn't removed by Accordance somehow.  Anyway, I'm glad it's working for you now!


I believe the only folder that can be relocated is the "Accordance Files" folder.  With Accordance closed, you should be able to just move it wherever, and when Accordance can't find it the next time you launch, it should ask you to select the folder it's in.


I'm afraid I don't recall the locations of the other folders you would need by heart, and even though it's probably possible to relocate them and use symlinking to make Accordance think they are still in their original locations, I can't promise that such an operation would not cause unforeseen problems.

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