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CNTTS Apparatus, Variation Type Z


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In the CNTTS Apparatus, the variation type Z is defined as "Singular, this variation unit only has a single Greek witness to what might be a significant reading or only has Latin support." However, in actual usage a search for variation type Z points to textual varients that have many supporting manuscripts. Am I misunderstanding?


I would like to use the CNTTS module in Accordance to find all the places where P66, for instance, has a reading that no other manuscript has. Is this possible?


- Dave Hagelberg

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Hello Dave, 

Yes, you are misunderstanding. The beginning of each variation unit is marked by the verse reference and the variation number (e.g.: 1:9-5.0). You need to look at the entire variation unit in order to see what is the singular reading. The manuscripts listed at the start of the variation unit are all the manuscripts that contain the base text, not the variation. That singular reading will be on a subsequent line within the same article/variation unit. There may appear to be multiple variations within some of these variation units marked with a Z, but if you look closely at the listed variations, only one of them is “significant”, the others only involve changes in spelling.


That singular reading will also have its own variation type indicated. Look at the variation codes within each variation unit. The variation code 50-69 indicates a significant change with only a single Greek manuscript witness. Therefore, every variation unit marked with a Z should have one line with a variation code between 50 and 69. When P66 appears on a line with such a variation code, P66 is the only witness to the cited reading. Does this make sense?

After thinking about this in order to answer your first question, I found the answer to your second question:

Open a second search field by clicking on the plus button at the far right of the search bar.

Set one search field to “Variation Code”

Set the other search field to “Manuscripts”.

Define the relationship between the two search fields as “AND” (which is the default)

Set the Scope to paragraph (the scope button should look like a block of lines with no indented lines). The scope button is just to the left of the plus button to add search fields.
In the variation code search field enter: 5? <OR> 6?      This should catch all the variation codes between 50 and 69.

In the manuscripts search field enter: P66*        Make sure the “p” is capitalized because that matters for this module and search field. The asterisk is necessary to catch the few instances of “P66c” and “P66c1” and “P66c2”. 

I attach a thumbnail. When you cycle through the hits, you'll have to scroll back a little for each hit to see the entire variation unit because P66 will be near the end of the variation unit. 


Does it work for you?


Edited by Iconoclaste
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