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Please, if it is not an unreasonable task, add the “Combined Resources” feature to Accordance iOS.

I switch back and forth between Old and New Testaments several times a day on the iPad Pro. If KJVS could be coupled with BHS-W4, and if KJVS could also combine with GNT-TR, that would be so helpful (and might add a bit of joy, too).
I’m not a programmer, so I don’t know how much work is involved. If you can do it, thank you.

In any case, the coming of the LORD draws near, so, prepare your hearts.
  • Like 7

Be great for commentary sets and other resources Such as study bibles as well as original languages , eg combining wbc ot and nt sets, or jsb and jant.

  • Like 4

It would go someway to making the iOS app a little more useful

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