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Copy as citation does not work for the following book


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I am using copy as citation feature with latest accordance for windows.


Well, When quoting from the following book: Perspectives: Ending of Mark (I only tried the chapter written by Daniel Wallace)


It does not generate the full citation at all. The name of the author (Daniel Wallace) and the name of the article is cut out. It starts with On the Ending of Mark....



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I know this doesn't help you, but it is working fine on Mac. Hopefully someone with Windows can provide you with some answers.

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Thank you Randy. Have you tried it actually on the article by Daniel Wallace in that book?

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Yes, I did. Sorry it's not working for you.

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Daniel, what word processor are you trying to paste it into?


I'm getting good results with copy as citation on Windows in this tool.  I tested pasting into Word and Notepad.

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Silas, I am using Microsoft Word for windows (latest version). And I am using Windows 10. Latest Accordance. 


I tried it on other resources and it seems to work. It does not work on this particular resource. Have you tried that particular resource?


Thank you very much for checking.

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When I copy as citation from that tool and paste directly into the forum edit box, I get:



My point in this preliminary treatment is to underscore the fact that we all bring a lot of presuppositions to the table that influence how we hear the evidence being presented; indeed, such presuppositions may even keep us from hearing the evidence.
On the Ending of Mark. Perspectives. Edited by Black, David Alan. Accordance electronic edition, version 1.0. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2008.


Can you look at your Bibliography preferences, and see what "Format" is set to?


In fact, are you able to post a screenshot of that entire preferences window, so I can see how your preferences and mine differ?

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Thank you for interacting with me. I get the same thing. And that is exactly my objection. Where is the author’s name and the name of the article? Am I wrong to expect for a citation: 


Daniel Wallace, “Wallace’s Article” in On the Ending of Mark...


But all I am getting is starting On the Ending of Mark...


By the way, a picture of bibliography settings is attached.



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Ah, I was totally misunderstanding the problem before.  I'll bring it to the attention of our module developers.

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I am having trouble getting any citation or bibliography in Turabian format for Beale and Carson's Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. I have not tried other resources to see if it is a program issue. Please help

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kpang, I can copy Turabian formatted citation from this tool with no problems, so I'll need you to answer a few questions to help me reproduce the bug:

  1. Can you post a screenshot of your Bibliography preferences, or tell me what's checked and what isn't?
  2. Can you tell me what app you are pasting into?
  3. Can you verify that there is no content update available for this module?
  4. Can you verify you're running the latest version of Accordance?  (13.1.4)
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kpang, I can copy Turabian formatted citation from this tool with no problems, so I'll need you to answer a few questions to help me reproduce the bug:

  1. Can you post a screenshot of your Bibliography preferences, or tell me what's checked and what isn't?
  2. Can you tell me what app you are pasting into?
  3. Can you verify that there is no content update available for this module?
  4. Can you verify you're running the latest version of Accordance?  (13.1.4)



Here you go: 


Turabian Footnote

insert citation as footnote

hide superscripts 

scale content to 12 

include accord:// url


all of these are my options


Pasting in Microsoft Word. No content update. I am running the latest version. 

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Make sure you have version 1.3 of Beale & Carson. Earlier versions were missing the biblio info. 

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Make sure you have version 1.3 of Beale & Carson. Earlier versions were missing the biblio info. 


I do, but it still does not work.

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Never mind it works now. It just doesn't work in the introduction pages for some reason. 

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