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Kevin McAteer

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I am a fairly recent "convert" to Accordance. I have thoroughly enjoyed the learning curve and find myself loving this program.


I do a fair amount of flipping back and forth between the OT and NT in my studies. My question is this - is there a way to have the GNT-T and BHS-W4 "tethered" together? Let me illustrate and I hope this makes sense.


Let's say that I have the NASB and GNT-T up and running on a workspace (just two panes). I am studying the text of, let's say, Romans 10:5-10 (my current preaching text). I realize that Paul is referring back to Deuteronomy 30:12-14. When I display that text, however, my GNT-T is blank (for obvious reasons; the OT was written in Hebrew).


Here are my options:

1. I could manually switch over from GNT-T to BHS-W4 every time I switch testaments. This is cumbersome.

2. I could use the LXX, but that isn't ideal since I want the original Hebrew, not the LXX.

3. I could open three tabs on my workspace (NASB, GNT-T, BHS-W4). But that isn't really what I am looking for, if I can have my cake and eat it too.


Does anyone know of a way to have only two tabs open and the original language pane to be "tethered" (not sure if that is the word or not) so that when I switch testaments, it will "switch" automatically?


I hope this makes sense. The question is clear in my mind, but it's not easy knowing the right language to ask the question!


Grace and peace,



The idea of one module that combined GNT/BHS or GNT/LXX has been discussed on these forms before but I don't blame you for not seeing it because I can't find it now either and I knew about it.


It was referred to and addressed here:




But I can't seem to find the original conversation.


EDIT: I just found it. Here you go: http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/inde...ombined+BHS+GNT


Thanks for the links to the previous posts. It seems that those topics relate to the combination of LXX & GNT, something slightly different than I was looking for. Specifically, I am looking for a setting within Accordance that would "link" a tab to switch between GNT & BHS, depending on the English. If I searched for an OT reference, the tab would automatically switch to BHS; if I searched for a NT reference, the tab would automatically switch to the GNT.


Just curious to see if that an option.


You do now have an option of saving favorite workspaces and amplifying to them, so you could choose to amplify to one with the BHS-W4 or to another with the GNT-T.


Not sure what you mean by "link a tab." If you are using "tabs" in the sense that Accordance uses it you can't see more than one tab in a single window at the same time anyway, but you can have different tabs tied to a single text. In the case of your example you would have a NASB tab, GNT tab, and BHS tab which are tied to the NASB (click Window/Set/Tie to "NASB" on both) and then you can switch between the GNT tab and BHS tab depending on where you are in the Bible. This would be just as good as a tab that "automatically" switched because as I mentioned, you have to switch between tabs in order to see them anyway, just like in a tabbed web browser.


You can have two separate windows side by side, perhaps this is what you meant. There is no way for that second window to switch automatically between texts at this point. This would essentially be the same as being able to have have BHS/GNT as a module and then have it side by side with NASB in a single window with two parallel panes.


If you follow the link from Joe (http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1605) you will see that a BHS/GNT was discussed as part of the LXX/GNT discussion:


"While I understand the desire for a single module of LXX/GNT, I would prefer some kind of feature that allowed users to combine two modules into one, like text sets, but with the two modules being able to be viewed in one, single, continuous pane in the search window. This would allow for users to have a "Greek Bible" of LXX/GNT, as well as an "Original Language Bible" consisting of BHS/GNT. Personally, I would find the latter more useful."


I hope I'm understanding you correctly. I believe Accordance is aware of the request and, as you can see from the posts, was, at one point, working on a way to accomplish this but haven't said anything about it recently.


OK, we can say it again. Technically it would be virtually impossible to combine the BHS with the GNT in one pane. We do have plans to release a complete Greek Bible, but it won't happen this year.


Thanks to all who contributed. It seems that Helen says this is impossible at the current time. There are other ways around it, so I appreciate the interaction!

  • 2 months later...
Thanks to all who contributed. It seems that Helen says this is impossible at the current time. There are other ways around it, so I appreciate the interaction!


What about setting up a workspace tab that has all three panes in it? The NASB on the left, the BHS in the middle, and the GNT on the right. Go watch the 3rd podcast about the ESVSB to see how it is done. It's a very cool way to set up a workspace. When you bring up a NT text in the NASB (or whichever English version you use) the Greek will show on the right and the middle column will be empty. When you bring up an OT text in the English, the Hebrew will show in the middle and the Greek column on the right will be empty. Sounds like that would do what you're after.

When you bring up an OT text in the English, the Hebrew will show in the middle and the Greek column on the right will be empty.


By way of a slight mod to that suggestion, you could have BHS on the left, English in the middle and GNT on the right. That way, the Hebrew runs from the centre to the left, and the Greek from the centre to the right. You're always reading from the centre out.


I actually have two windows always open, OT and NT. OT has ESV, BHS, LXX, BHS Apparatus, my translation user note, and my exegetical comments user note. In the other tabs in that window I have HALOT, NIDOTTE, a Hebrew construct window, and another BHS window for search results etc.


In NT, I have ESV, GNT, my translation, my exegetical notes, NA27 Apparatus, Metzger's Text commentary in the first tab, and then BDAG, Louw and Nida and another GNT/English tab for search results.


Both windows just load when I load Accordance, where I left off, and I just Cmd-` into whichever I need for that day's study.


I've often thought about the tidiness of having a combined BHS-GNT, but as I've continued using Accordance, I've realised I actually need more text-specific panes open when I'm working. Ie, I need BHS apparatus open when I'm reading BHS, and NA27 Apparatus and Metzger open when I'm reading GNT. That means the tidiness of having them both in the same pane is mitigated by the need for these other tools on view. For me, anyway.

By way of a slight mod to that suggestion, you could have BHS on the left, English in the middle and GNT on the right. That way, the Hebrew runs from the centre to the left, and the Greek from the centre to the right. You're always reading from the centre out.


Hey, Ben, I really like that suggestion. Wish I'd thought of it before I did the podcast! :(


Oh, well, at least I can go back and tweak my own ESVSB workspace.


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