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Searching for Greek lemma

Andrew Chapman

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Hi, very basic task, which I can't work out to do.


I want to search for επιστρεφω in GNT-Textus Receptus with Strong's Numbers.


Rather than learning a new keyboard, I am typing with the normal Mac Greek keyboard. The accents aren't working right, but the letters are OK. So I type επιστρεφω in the Search box.


According to the Easy Search tutorial, it looks like I have the option to do a 'Flex' search, but I am only offered 'Words' or 'Verses'.


OK now I am trying with the Mac English keyboard and it's coming out in Greek, almost the same as mine except w for omega rather than v.


I type in επιστρεφω and click return. Up comes a long list of words, not including επιστρεφω, presumably because it doesn't appear in the New Testament.


If I select one of these, say, ἐπιστρέψαι, I just get the results for that form.


So how do I search for the lemma using the search box, please?

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To search for a lemma, you need to be searching in a lemmatized text.  The GNT-TR with Strong's is one of our only (if not the only) Greek text that has strong's number tagging instead of grammatical tags.  To to grammatically tagged searches you need a text like the NA28 or grammatically tagged GNT-TR.  Of course, you may already own these texts, or they may make more sense as part of a bundle or collection.


Since the GNT-TR with Strong's is not lemmatized, you can only search for the written (inflected) form.

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Thanks, Joel, glad there was an explanation!


I am now curious as to why Live-Click is able to bring up all the inflected forms in 'Word Usage'.


If I choose any of the results in 'Word Usage', then Open in GNT-TRS it gives me what I want, that is the full results for the lemma.


I have tied it to TNT2 in a parallel pane, so can see the results in Tregelles too.


It's a bit roundabout and discovered rather by accident, so I thought I would try to do it what I thought would be the simpler way.

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If you look at the top of the Word Usage, is it a search for the inflected form, or a KEY search?  The key numbers are all tagged to a specific lemma, so you can approximate a lemma search by searching for the key number.  You can even search for the transliterated lemma with [KEY agapao], for instance. However, you can't actually search for the lemma in greek directly.

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It's a KEY search, as is of course what comes up in the other workspace when I open it up - I hadn't quite appreciated that it's actually the same thing. (I am not sure yet whether there is any actual difference between a zone that says 'Research' in the top left corner, and one that says 'Texts'. I found myself with commentaries open in a zone called 'Hebrew Texts' and it didn't seem to matter so far as I could see.)


The Live Clive Type settings are:


Greek and Hebrew: Lexeme

Key Numbers: Key Number


which I think was the default.


So thanks, I can do this by typing KEY in the search box, and the Strongs Number which comes up in the info pane.


When you say 'approximates', what's the difference? I would have guessed that Strong gave one number to each lemma. Or is it that his lemmas don't necessarily correspond exactly to more modern numbering systems? I only have a Hebrew package but can see the two numbering systems there.

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