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Copying Hebrew and Transliteration Together


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I teach advanced Hebrew and am constantly copying Hebrew text from Accordance into Word.  Is there a way to copy a Hebrew word (or longer text) in both Hebrew and transliteration fonts at one time? At present I copy a word (or longer text) in Hebrew, paste it into Word, then go back to Accordance and copy that same word (or longer text) in transliteration font, then paste that into Word. As I do this quite regularly, it would be nice if there were some kind of short-cut to do so. Is there?  Thank you very much for any help you might be able to offer.  It would be nice to have such a feature added to Accordance.

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Yes! Here's a little trick I've used for years. Open up any tagged translation text in parallel with the Hebrew. Triple-click on the English word to bring up the Kohlenberger/Mounce Hebrew Dictionary. Select both the Hebrew word and the transliteration that comes after it and copy.


In the example from the screenshot below, I've copied "שָׁמַיִם   šāmayim." Because I'm often including the Hebrew after an english word, I'll add parentheses and a forward slash to make it something like, "God created the heavens (שָׁמַיִם/šāmayim)... ."




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Nice way to leverage the tools in the library, Rick!

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