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After finishing the "Basics of Biblical Hebrew", what is a good way to keep growing in my knowledge of Hebrew? Whether it is available in Accordance or not doesn't matter as much.

A lot of people I know take advanced Hebrew in Seminary. Is there something similar in book form or available for non-seminary people?


Thank you for your recommendations!


Posted (edited)

Search for "Ulpan" with google. Jpost is offering something, only a hint or search for "Ulpan Or". I did my learning with them.

I would recommend you something more "Ivrit HaJom" than biblical only. Hebrew is a spoken language.

Further look for the hebrew new testaments in accordance. 

One is modern hebrew, good to read and learn "ivrit HaJom" the other is more rabbinical and the better translation. the Deltisch is the one we use in our hebrew speaking congregation.

Edited by markusvonkaenel
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Thank you! At this time I am more interested in Biblical Hebrew, even though modern Hebrew is a fascinating language as well.


You might look into Biblical Language Centre's online video classes. I'm doing the Greek right now and it's great. They teach the languages as living languages speaking as much as possible in the language during class. It's multi-modal - speaking, listening, reading, writing.





You might look into Biblical Language Centre's online video classes. I'm doing the Greek right now and it's great. They teach the languages as living languages speaking as much as possible in the language during class. It's multi-modal - speaking, listening, reading, writing.




The Hebrew university has online classes https://biblicalhebrew.huji.ac.il 






After finishing the "Basics of Biblical Hebrew", what is a good way to keep growing in my knowledge of Hebrew? Whether it is available in Accordance or not doesn't matter as much.

A lot of people I know take advanced Hebrew in Seminary. Is there something similar in book form or available for non-seminary people?


Thank you for your recommendations!

There are tons and tons and tons of wonderful resources, depending on what you want to focus on. One thing I am doing is going through my grammar books and then seeing every instance that these things work by using the Hebrew construct tables features. Then I make myself ANKI cards. I am learning so much. Right now I have over 6000 cards, two thirds of which I have developed myself, and one third I have downloaded from others who teach Biblical Hebrew. I have cards for vocabulary and cards for adjectives, construct phrases, verb paradigms, etc., almost all of them using a direct quote from the Hebrew Bible. Besides ANKI, there is a wonderful course online on Biblical Hebrew taught by John Beckman. There is also a daily dose of Hebrew. Also there are wonderful books on Syntax, and a host of other fun topics. So, it would be great to know what it is you would like to learn next. By the way, I am sure you know much more than I do.

Posted (edited)

There is no magic bullet for learning Biblical Hebrew. I've been listening to people marketing the magic bullet concept for three decades and guarantee you will not find it because it doesn't exist. You already have a valuable tool for hebrew study. Using what you already have  I would suggest a counterintuitive old school approach. The best thing you can do is read ancient texts in Hebrew. Read read read. The most important concept is multiple  forms of exposure. Set up a window in Accordance with Genesis displayed side by side Hebrew - Greek/English. Then pull out a good quality lined tablet of paper and copy with great care a verse or two on a page with two or three blank lines between each line of text. Leave lots of white space. Use all your reference tools and make notes on the syntax and vocabulary by hand in the white space. 

Do this every day until you finish a book. Review your notes as you move through the book. Learn that book so you have it down. Choose another book. Repeat. Keep doing this forever.

Edited by c. stirling bartholomew
  • Like 7

I recommend this:




Written by my major professor and PhD advisor. Very good book to help highlight specific grammatical features and also gives some drive to keep learning. The above suggestion is great too- Just keep reading and researching!

  • Like 2

I recommend this:




Written by my major professor and PhD advisor. Very good book to help highlight specific grammatical features and also gives some drive to keep learning. The above suggestion is great too- Just keep reading and researching!

Matt, this looks like a very rewarding book. I am very tempted to order it. Thanks!

  • Like 1

My suggestion (for obvious reasons) -- http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/intermediate-biblical-hebrew/355360


There is an instructor's manual / answer key coming out and while aimed at instructors, it could also be used by learners studying on their own: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/intermediate-biblical-hebrew-instructor-s-manual-and-answer-key/355363

  • Like 2

Thank you for all the suggestions! I am looking forward to getting into the next phase after relearning the basics for a little bit longer.


Soviel ich weiss war es ein ähnlicher Name, aber Schulschlus hab ich selber erfunden :) Danke für den Link!



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