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First bug found - Help Menu

Pastor Jonathan

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I wanted to report a bug on my end. I was starting to dig into the help menu (trying to familiarize myself with some of the lesser known features and to get a deeper understanding of how Accordance works) and I tried to access the tutorials. I tried to open a few and I keep crashing. 


Here is what pops up:


Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 8:25:36:752 On: 19 of Jun, 2020  Eastern Daylight Time
Windows 10 (10.0.18363)
RAM: 1486MB free of 3984MB total
Disc: 393GB free of 442GB total
Accordance 13.1.1 (
Message: Access violation
Address:   $004E9ACB
I am sure this may change depending on the menu, but the same message is there: Access Violation. 
I appreciate the help. 
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i have the same issue:



Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 16:26:31:552 On: 23 of Jun, 2020  Central Daylight Time
Windows 10 (10.0.18363)
RAM: 816MB free of 3960MB total
Disc: 78GB free of 118GB total
Accordance 13.1.1 (
Message: Access violation
Address:   $004E9ACB
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This should be fixed for 13.1.2, so please let me know if you see it after that is released.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Silas. I had posted under a similar discussion in the lite version category but since my colleague is a paying customer who just bought into Accordance this looks like a more appropriate location.


A ministry associate just purchased Accordance and is experiencing a number of crashes when attempting to run the tutorials for personal training. I have the MAC OS version and his problem seems to be WINDOWS specific.
For example when he is going through the tutorial for “comparing two Scripture texts and finding the differences” the application crashes with this log. Any help or advice? I've included two other crash logs from his attempts to access the Atlas tutorial.
So Silas, since you invited input after the release of 13.1.2, I've tagged you on this. Thanks. Ron


Accordance Crash Log

Crashed at: 13:58:12:704 On: 10 of Sep, 2020  Eastern Daylight Time

Windows 10 (10.0.19041)

RAM: 11071MB free of 16267MB total

Disc: 152GB free of 237GB total

Accordance 13.1.3 (

Message: Access violation

Address:   $0086D947


















The crash when using the Atlas Tutorial produced the following crash report
Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 15:19:42:220 On: 11 of Sep, 2020  Eastern Daylight Time
Windows 10 (10.0.19041)
RAM: 9941MB free of 16267MB total
Disc: 152GB free of 237GB total
Accordance 13.1.3 (
Message: Access violation
Address:   $008D7F12
Another tutorial produced a crash with the following report ... 
Accordance Crash Log
Crashed at: 15:14:39:988 On: 11 of Sep, 2020  Eastern Daylight Time
Windows 10 (10.0.19041)
RAM: 10640MB free of 16267MB total
Disc: 152GB free of 237GB total
Accordance 13.1.3 (
Message: Access violation
Address:   $00000000


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  • 5 months later...

Just an update. The issue was resolved. Sorry for not saying something sooner. 

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