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notes for apparatus

Jan Klein

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Dear friends, 


Do I miss something? In my paper BHS there are footnotes (a, b, c etc) that refer to the critical apparatus. But I don't see it in the BHS tagged of accordance. Is it possible to conjure it up somewhere?


with kind regards, Jan Klein

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Dear friends, 


Do I miss something? In my paper BHS there are footnotes (a, b, c etc) that refer to the critical apparatus. But I don't see it in the BHS tagged of accordance. Is it possible to conjure it up somewhere?


with kind regards, Jan Klein

It is an apparatus module for Biblia Hebreaica Stuttgartensia and not necessarily tied to the Default Hebrew Bible. If you open up the BHS Module and click add parallel, you should see an option for apparatus that will display your available options. The BHS one should be there if you purchased the module

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It is an apparatus module for Biblia Hebreaica Stuttgartensia and not necessarily tied to the Default Hebrew Bible. If you open up the BHS Module and click add parallel, you should see an option for apparatus that will display your available options. The BHS one should be there if you purchased the module


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Thanks a lot Matt. I have indeed the apparatus for the BHS. But in the original paper version you see footnotes (a, b, c) where textual differences appear. I'm looking for these footnotes in de digital version.


with kind regards, Jan Klein 

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I'm looking for these footnotes in de digital version.


Make certain you have the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Tagged (BHS-T) open to see the hyperlinked footnote indicators.



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That's not the same as this one?

I have this:



BHS with Westminster Hebrew Bible Morphology (BHS-W4)
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, edited by Karl Elliger, William Rudolph, et al. 4th corrected edition edited by Adrian Schenker.
Copyright © 1966, 1977, 1983  Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. Used by permission.
Groves-Wheeler Westminster Hebrew Morphology, v. 4.14.
J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research
2960 Church Road, Glenside, PA 19038-2000  U.S.A.
Copyright © 1991-2010 The J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research (“The Groves Center”). All Rights Reserved.
Version 4.45
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That is a different one better used for searches. The content of the text is the same, but it doesn't have the footnote indicators. The short name for it is BHS-W4. You're looking for the BHS-T, which you may already have. 


Search in your Library for BHS-T



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If not I guess you see an upgrade if you run content update. To purchase. 




Or if you started from the GBS DBG package https://www.accordancebible.com/store/details/?pid=BHS-T-upStudPlusBHS-W4

Edited by Fabian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hallo Jan


I saw 2 different upgrades, may you have to ask Accordance first which one is needed for your case.

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Oh, thank you!!

I didn't see it at first. 

Just asked Accordance. 

Edited by Jan Klein
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