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Easy Install freezes


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I know there are other posts regarding Easy Install, but when browsing down the list I didn't see any that exactly spoke to what I'm reporting.


Easy Install appears to download and install the module, but then freezes in this position (see attached).  I have to go to Task Manager and shut the program down.


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Try this: close Accordance, and launch in safe mode by holding down the alt key while you click on the program icon. Check Clear cached downloads and try Easy Install again.



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  • 1 month later...

Mine does this when installing updates, Accordance freezes at the end of the installing bar as above and I have to close Accordance with task manager.


I have cleared cached download's but the problem persists, any other suggestions?  

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Which module are you downloading when this occurs?

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In my case it is when there are module updates, I can’t recall what they were last week. My set up is set to check for updates weekly so there were 5 or more modules in the list. After I close Accordance with task manager it never attempts to continue installing any modules or says any of them still need updating, so I assume they have installed successfully but Accordance is falling down at the end of the process?

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