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What to do regarding an error in a commentary


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This question may have already been answered, but I was unable to locate a thread by searching and browsing.


Should we post an error that we come across in a commentary module?


Should we email Accordance directly?


Should we ignore it and go on with our lives?



BTW, I think Accordance is fantastic software, and I have no problem taking the time to let them know when I find an error so it can be corrected in future updates.


Related, what if the error is a minor one. For example, the error I came across was in the NIBC, paragraph 8032 of 21998, "et" was displayed when it should have been "yet." Is this too minor to bother the Accordance team with?


". . .and while the kingdom of God has not et been fully established in glory, for Christians the present is effectively already the messianic age in which, for now, everything is to be viewed from the vantage point of the cross (2 Cor. 5:16). In the commentary that follows, this understanding of Paul


No correction is too minor, please email them to me. Helen (at) accordancebible (dot) com.




I will use email in the future for any errors encountered and thank you for the quick reply (another reason Accordance is A+ software).




Thank you. Please resend this one and include some text context. It would be quite hard to navigate to the paragraph number.


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