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Accordance "breaks down" (fails to render) after a short session of use


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I reported this during beta testing for v.13, but it is still happening, and wanted to bring it to your attention.  Entire panes will go blank like this (see attached)--even when I don't have a lot of windows open.


Thanks for your help.


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Can I just add, this has happened now 4-5 times in the last 12 hours of using Accordance.  Here is another screenshot.


Thankfully, as soon as I see this begin to happen, I just quit the program, and then reopen it.  But this is me trying to sound gracious and optimistic.  Obviously, no one would want to go through this (on top of the other variety of freezes, crashes, and so forth that I deal with... although, the latter have been fairly sparse lately).


But this is like watching the program crumble to pieces in my hands.  I know Accordance can do better, much better than this.  For what it's worth, I actually don't remember this particular issue happening in v.12, which I used for a solid year before v.13 came out.


Thank you.


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Please be patient as a large contingent of our staff are spending 8 days from morning 'til night serving new and old customers at the annual meetings. Then we'll recoup our strength over Thanksgiving and be back to work a week on Monday.

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Absolutely, Helen.  May you all prosper, be blessed, and victorious.


Your team is absolutely wonderful.  Thank you for even taking the time to acknowledge my issues.

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  • 1 month later...

Please don't mind if I toss in a gentle reminder about this issue, as I just experienced a most unsavory incident of it tonight, while recording a Hebrew / English audio reading for our local congregation.


I was in the middle or recording the parashiyot reading using Accordance, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the window panes in Accordance started disappearing.  (Technically, this screenshot shows me restarting Accordance), but the point is that I had to freeze in the middle of reading the sacred Torah, and then spend several minutes aftewards editing the audio file.


I think I noted up above that I never had this issue (that I can remember) back in Accordance v.12.  I believe it only began sometime after the release of 13.  Thanks for all you do to help.


Note: may my 1,000th post end up being far more joyful--coming soon--G-d willing.  :)


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Toma, can you please do the following when you get a chance?


  1. Bring up the "Run" dialog:  Click Start, and then click Run. Or hit Win+R.
  2. Type dxdiag, and hit enter or click OK.
  3. In the resulting window, go to the System tab, and post a screenshot of it here.
  4. Go to the DirectX Files tab, and post a screenshot of that as well.
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Hi Silas,


I don't have a "DirectX File Tab," but I clicked on the option "Run 64-bit DxDiag" in the first screenshot (attached), which then yielded the image in the second screenshot (attached).  Let me know if I'm missing something.


Thanks so much for the help.



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Can you use the "Save All Information" button and send me the file?


Alternatively, you might try installing DirectX 11.1 from this link, and see if it fixes the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alternatively, you might try installing DirectX 11.1 from this link, and see if it fixes the problem.


I went to the link here and downloaded the Windows update.  When trying to install it, I received this error message: "Update for Windows (KB2670838) is already installed on this computer."


What else can be done.  I had about 4-5 breakdowns of Accordance in one day, including during a teaching session (again).  What can be done to stop this from happening.  I just have to restate that I don't remember this happening before v. 13.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silas, Joel, as my screenshots show up above, I already have Directx 11 running on my computer, even though Silas recommended installing it.


Just for the heck of it, I went to https://www.itechtics.com/directx-full-setup-download/#For_Windows_7_DirectX_11 and downloaded the standalone installer again, and when I tried to install it, I received the message "Update for Windows (KB2670838) is already installed on this computer."


Guys, Accordance is doing this "break down and stop working" thing about once every hour of use.  Numerous times now it has broken down in front of people who I'm displaying Accordance to, and it is no fun.  Why did this never happen until v. 13?  What changed with v. 13 to start causing this additional problem?


Bottom line, please help fix this.  It's extremely annoying.  I will say this: as of 13.0.2 / 3/ 4 I now have far less "freeze-crashes" (also because I employ a continual workaround when dealing with my Notes file), and that is good news.  Thank you guys for whatever has been done to minimize those 3-5 freeze-crashes per day.


But now it is this weird "panels disappearing" affect (shown up above) happening about once per hour or two.  Please help.


Thank you.

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I could well be out in left field, but this is very unusual behavior compared to my experience (granted, I'm on Mac)—with one exception. When I got version 13, I tried playing around with the user tools, converting a couple of pdf files. From that moment on, Accordance became very unstable and crashed regularly. I haven't tried it since, being busy with other, more pressing things. 


Just a thought: have you tried going basic—i.e., just using stock texts—to see if Accordance then becomes more stable? I notice that in your posts you use a lot of user tools, so it might be interesting to give it a try. From there, if it works, it might be possible to see if there are specific bugs in the conversion process.

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Hi Donald,


l appreciate your thoughts here.  If by "user tools" you mean any and all user content, then yes I have dozens of Bibles, User Tools (properly speaking), and one Notes file, and a couple stacks.


I could respond to your idea of running only "stock texts" numerous ways, but let me just say this regarding the particular issue at hand--the Accordance "breaking down and falling apart."  Essentially nothing changed in the user content I had between v.12 and installing v.13, so since the problem only started when I began using v.13, it makes more sense to me that the problem has something to do with the code in v.13.  Simple causation analysis.


Again, I could say a million other things here.  I do appreciate your thoughts, and am completely open to any suggestions.  Don't take any of this as directed to you in specific.  I'm waiting on Accordance to address this issue (and hopefully with some priority).


fully understand new software having bugs.  Fine.  Especially after the Accordance staff explained a little of the "infrastructure" of Accordance code--viz., that changes to the program can make other things become unstable (such as importing foreign language Bibles, which periodically stops working every other new release or so).


While I'm certainly always open to the possibility of a particular item of mine having a problem, this is not the problem in the vast majority of cases.  You would have to see the time I've invested, and the ink I've spilled here dealing with a myriad of issues.


Trust me: it isn't my / our user content that causes bugs in Accordance--at least not always.  It is Accordance changing stuff on their end which occasionally causes features to stop working.  Just go and see Fabian's numerous posts over the years about the importing feature not working.


I've only been using Accordance for less than a year and a half, and in that time I've seen about a dozen new releases.  Within that time, the importing of unicode and/or foreign language User-Created Bibles has stopped working on multiple occasions, only to make us wait weeks or sometimes months for it to be fixed in another release (not even always the next release).  So this is just one example of how certain problems are specifically on Accordance's end--not our end.


But to be fair, I'm sure it's even more complicated than this.  Someone could argue the other way: "Well, it's something in your user-created tool that our new code doesn't like, and so on."  The bottom line is that stuff doesn't work.  I don't have this problem with other programs.  I'm not happy, and I want it fixed.


In terms of the possibility of files being "corrupted," I don't have this problem with any other program I use in Windows 7; and I use dozens and dozens and dozens of other programs--Bible related, or not.  So therefore, I'm highly suspicious that any "corruption" is Accordance's fault.  It's almost insulting, if you think about it, to suggest that this is the user's issue--especially when I haven't touched or changed anything about certain tools.  They worked properly yesterday; why not today?



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Since no one else seems to be having the same problem, I've got to believe it has something to do with you running Windows 7. An awful lot has changed under the hood since that was released in 2009.

I hope Accordance can keep you up and running...

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Since no one else seems to be having the same problem



To be fair, if this is truly the case that I'm the only one having the issue, then it would soften my attitude towards Accordance, but....



I've got to believe it has something to do with you running Windows 7.



Accordance says that they support Windows 7.  Just prior to v.13 being released, I contacted Accordance directly, and asked point blank, "Will you continue to support Windows 7 in v.13?"  I was literally ready to start my computer life all over, and buy a whole new computer with Windows 10, if that is what it took to continue using Accordance--even though I've built my entire computing life--dozens and dozens of programs, settings, etc.--and everything worked *perfectly* in Windows 7.


I was told "Yes, we will continue to support Windows 7."  And to tell the truth, I still did get a new computer anyway.  By no fault of Accordance's the hard drive was defective on that new computer, and I had already wasted about a dozen hours trying to set it up, run updates, etc.  The process was so draining, that I just gave up.


So this is where I currently stand: if Accordance says that they support Windows 7, then I want to be supported.  I believe that is fair.  Can I expect to be the top priority?  Of course not.  But sometimes I come back and re-post weeks or months later if I don't hear back, because I don't want to be forgotten.


To be honest, I think sometimes the fix might be a very simple one from Accordance's end (although I know on other occasions, it certainly hasn't been easy).  I'm just trying to balance things here.  Again, I remain open to any ideas, MGVH, and I sincerely appreciate them, and I appreciate any help.


Let me also say this: I may have problems that are unique to me, but in general, there are certainly numerous bugs that aren't unique to me.  In beta testing v.13, I reported at least half a dozen issues that weren't unique to me.  So it's not as simple as saying "You're the only one with the problems."


For instance, regarding the poor quality of PDF Import that I've complained about, I was told that Windows and Mac use a different tool to import PDF's, and that Windows' tool is far inferior in quality to that used by the Mac.  So here, there is a difference between Windows and Mac, but the problem is neither unique to me, nor Windows 7.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Peek-a-boo.  Now you see Accordance.  Now you don't!


3-5 times per day.


Accordance Team: any help on this please?  It started with v.13.


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