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My Notes


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Good evening,


I saw that syncing shares highlights and notes between desktop and mobile now which is fantastic. I was able to figure out how to make my highlights appear on mobile, but I can't figure out how to see "my notes". What am I missing?

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Hi Chris, and welcome! Unfortunately the Android app does not yet support notes. The Accordance for Android app is the newest member of the Accordance family and still lacks a few features present on other platforms, Notes being one of the most prominent. It is high on the priority list of features to add though.

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I guess I am confused. The android version update said notes was supported and while searching the help files, I was given directions on how to view, edit, etc my notes?!?

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I guess no one caught it before, but it looks like we have a number of references to User Notes in the Accordance/Android Help with screenshots from our iOS version of Accordance. Perhaps the initial Help files in our Android version were based on the iOS version and the content referring to User Notes was accidentally left in.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The lack of built-in notes in the Accordance mobile app for Android is a HUGE setback. I'm a Logos user who would be interested in switching to Accordance but never could primarily without notes in the Android app. I own a Pixelbook and a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and they are part of my toolbox. I really hope you will add notes soon. 

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Before switching to Accordance, I was using Tecarta which is simple but really powerful for what I needed on a tablet for Bible studies. Accordance software for Android is decent since I can read my preferred text and a commentary, notes, or other resources near it, along with switching to a dictionary or something, but it really only does 1 thing at a time which stinks compared to Accordance for desktop. My desire would have been to prepare everything I needed on the desktop version, and then use whatever I did on Android, but it is not really supported. I can't use stack, user notes, bookmarks, etc...so not sure what "user created" content I can create that is usable for Android. If I wasn't against Mac, I would consider switching.


The lack of built-in notes in the Accordance mobile app for Android is a HUGE setback. I'm a Logos user who would be interested in switching to Accordance but never could primarily without notes in the Android app. I own a Pixelbook and a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and they are part of my toolbox. I really hope you will add notes soon. 

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To me, if content, purchased and user-created exists in Android is all that matters, if the Accordance Android version can only view and handle one thing at a time that is really not a drawback for me. Using Accordance on a handheld devise doesn't really need to resemble web-browsing. Browsing the web it happens that I want to view two pages simultaneously on the monitor, but I'm so used to always having only 1366*768 pixel monitors, that I in practice very rarely put things side-by-side other than for purposes of taking a screencaptures. Even if it would be able to have two panes opening Accordance for Android, I would hardly ever use that, because it would just disturb me more and be in the way, than save time.

I enjoy memorizing things for a moment, and it would still be like using a web-browser anyway. If I have a webpage open, the most likely is that for example when composing a post I have don't have everything I'm wanting to refer to viewable in the same tab, but for references I will anyhow copy text and/or links from another tab, and switch back to the tab with the post I'm composing and to paste it there. It really doesn't help to have several web-browser tabs open even on a laptop when composing a post, because re-sizing the tabs to fit the monitor, consumes more time than it saves from switching between tabs.
Won't be affording new Android devices for a few more Years. And I don't know an exact time for when I will afford. I have a smartphone, The monitor noticeably size is bigger than regular ones, but still it is fairly small, so I I would rarely, if ever, use two tabs open. I haven't ever felt that I would need to have two open, whatever I've done, only seen others desiring to do multiple things simultaneously.
It will be welcome to use notes under Android.
I still haven't ever installed on a handheld device, and since there are more restrictions on usage if having Accordance installed on two or more devices, I won't be installing Accordance on my smartphone, unless uninstalling from the laptop first (the only computer installation I have for it):

Accordance software for Android is decent since I can read my preferred text and a commentary, notes, or other resources near it, along with switching to a dictionary or something, but it really only does 1 thing at a time which stinks compared to Accordance for desktop. My desire would have been to prepare everything I needed on the desktop version, and then use whatever I did on Android, but it is not really supported. I can't use stack, user notes, bookmarks, etc...so not sure what "user created" content I can create that is usable for Android. If I wasn't against Mac, I would consider switching:

The lack of built-in notes in the Accordance mobile app for Android is a HUGE setback. I'm a Logos user who would be interested in switching to Accordance but never could primarily without notes in the Android app. I own a Pixelbook and a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and they are part of my toolbox. I really hope you will add notes soon.


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