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User Bibles and/or User Notes for Android?


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Can User Bibles and/or User Notes / Tool be used for Android?  If not, definitely a need for this.


Thank you.

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No support for these yet, but User Notes are one of the highest priority items on the to-add list. Unfortunately, support for User Bibles will be a longer wait as it is not as high of a priority as some other features that still need to be added.

Edited by Matt Robertson
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  • 4 years later...

Any update on when user notes would be added to the Android App?

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It would be after we release a new Android app if we don't support it already. I don't have an Android device to test to see if our current app supports it.

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It speaks for itself. :(

For me, user Bibles is a much higher priority than user notes. (I don't want my notes trapped in a proprietary format in buggy software.) Regardless, we should expect the cloud version to provide both of these features for mobile users, but I'd guess that this is still years away.

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Adding it to Cloud (plus our new Android app) is good feedback. Thanks for that!

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