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Android: Direct transfer of modules to Phone instead of Easy Install?


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#1) Can I directly transfer Accordance modules to my Android phone via USB, or are they formatted some special way for Android (versus PC) when I download them using the Easy Install on my phone?

Edited by TYA
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As it currently stands, there is no way to transfer modules from a computer to the Android app -- they can only be installed through Easy Install. This feature is high on the to-add list though.

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Thanks, Matt.  Let me ask: (since I just found the folders where the modules go on the phone), is what you said because the modules are in a different format for Android use, versus PC use?  Are they the exact same files, or are they different files?

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It's because the modules need to actually be installed by the app. Right now the only way the Android app can install modules is via Easy Install.

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Ok, thank you.  And +1 for direct transfer option, please :)



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  • 2 months later...

Please don't make WiFi mandatory to be able to sync like it is with the iOS app. I use a cable to get a internet connection and I can't sync my custom bible texts in the iOS app. Either just use the local network (regardless if wifi or cable) or make it possible to just copy the modules from the desktop version to the android folder manually (I would prefer and use the latter).


I also don't use dropbox, so copying files directly would be necessary also for user notes etc. (or is this possible already)? In the iOS app I can use iTunes to copy the files.

Edited by Elijah
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