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Triple-click causes Accordance to stop responding


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Today I bought TDOT, placed it at the top of the Hebrew lexicon (dictionary) list. I open Isaiah 5 in NRSVS, scroll down to 5:3 and triple-click on the word "Jerusalem". No reaction. Triple-click again. Again no reaction. I right-click on this word > Look Up > Dictionary. Spinning beach ball, app not responding. 

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Actually words are highlighted in a very strange way —to highlight word "Jerusalem" in Is 5:3 (NRSVS), I have to place cursor in the empty space between "inhabitants of", when I move cursor over "Judah" in the second line, word "judge" is highlighted in the third line. However, when I enable Interlinear view, cursor correctly highlights words beneath it. 

Edited by Guntis
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To make TDOT the default triple-click for NRSV, you'll want to go to the Amplify settings in Preferences, check the box that says "Override Key Number Dictionaries" and choose the TDOT. But I just set this up, and it works, but there is some weird behavior going on similar to what you describe in your second post. 


I'm also not certain if every word in the Hebrew Bible is covered in the TDOT.

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To make TDOT the default triple-click for NRSV, you'll want to go to the Amplify settings in Preferences, check the box that says "Override Key Number Dictionaries" and choose the TDOT. But I just set this up, and it works, but there is some weird behavior going on similar to what you describe in your second post. 


I'm also not certain if every word in the Hebrew Bible is covered in the TDOT.


Thanks for the tip how to set up TDOT properly as the default Hebrew lexicon. Yes, there could be words that are not covered in the TDOT, but in that case Accordance should look up that word in the second or third lexicon in the lexicon list. But word "Jerusalem" should be in any lexicon! :-) However, Accordance doesn't do enything if I triple-click on this particular word in Is 5:3. And stops responding if I engage "Look Up > Dictionary" from the contextual menu.

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Guntis, I know I repeat me, but as it was important in Accordance 10 it is also true for 11 and 12. 


You have the default lexicon to set at the top of your lexicons, because Accordance only cycle down, which means if you have set TDOT as your default lexicon and a word is not found it cannot go to another. 


This has the advantages, that you can exclude some lexicons, simply by putting it over the default on in the library.

This has the disadvantages, that if you don't know this you have always not access to all by a triple-click. 





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Thanks for the tip how to set up TDOT properly as the default Hebrew lexicon. Yes, there could be words that are not covered in the TDOT, but in that case Accordance should look up that word in the second or third lexicon in the lexicon list. But word "Jerusalem" should be in any lexicon! :-) However, Accordance doesn't do enything if I triple-click on this particular word in Is 5:3. And stops responding if I engage "Look Up > Dictionary" from the contextual menu.


Yes, I believe there are some bugs in play here.

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