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Is there a commentary on LXX-MT differences?


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You may find it helpful to set your lexicon for Instant Details to Thayer instead of BDAG because he indicates the Hebrew words that are usually translated by a particular Greek word.


How do I switch what is displayed in the Instant Details? I went into preferences and scanned through the help files and don't know how to switch with lexicon is used for Instant Details. I have it set for "triple-click". I used to be able to hover mouse over something and hit CTRL which would do the amplify in the instant details, but that stopped working and I have no idea why.

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In Preferences there is a tab for Instant Details which controls some aspects of the content, font, key numbers, morphology etc. But to control the lexicon you need to go to the Amplify preferences tab. Pick the lexicon for each language.


I'm not sure what's up with the ctrl key. That should work as you describe. I don't think there is a switch to disable it. It may just be that the lexicon is not set properly in the Amplify prefs so check that first.




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Okay...I have the different languages where I want them in the amplify section. BDAG, HALOT and ISBE. Maybe one of the technical SMEs can tell me why my CTRL button doesn't work. I actually used that quite a bit. I probably just need to take a class for Accordance. I feel like I am only using about 25% of what it is capable of doing for me.

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The docs are well worth a read. And then watch a bunch of the podcasts. That should get you well on the way.

I'll double check my Windows install on the ctrl key thing later in case there is an issue there, but on Mac the cmd key was doing this just fine.




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I double checked my Windows installation and hover + control is showing the entry from my chosen lexicon correctly in ID.




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I haven't read through the whole thread but I was thinking as a scrolled the forum. The WBC OT volumes often discuss textual differences with the greek versions in the translation footnotes. Have you checked there for some of the info you're looking for?

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I hadn't looked at the WBC for this. Since I live outside the US, it's hard for me to get to know resources in English, but there's a library in another city where I found some of the WBC OT, and most of the NT. I haven't been back there recently, but since I read your suggestion, I looked at the Kindle sample of one of the volumes on the Psalms and it looks like it does have a good discussion of differences with the LXX. This serves to further convince me that I should acquire the WBC for Accordance.

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Roberts Alter's works are not offered in Accordance, but his master work, The Hebrew Bible (3 volumes. 2019. Norton.) does make note of the variances among the MT, LXX, DSS, Aramaic, Syriac, etc., and why one tradition is preferred over another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't own WBC on Accordance as that has quite the price tag even when on sale. I guess I will have to look into how much the WBC goes into the LXX vs MT and see if it is worth it when it goes on sale again. I have NICOT and many other "top" commentaries though.

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I'll be interested to hear which individual WBC volumes when looked at, have the highest usability in this and buy some. I already have a few, but only a few, volumes under Accordance. For very technical specific kind of tasks I prefee buying individual volumes now, although Speaking of OT sets (I prefer and recommend buying as sets), I've got several full sets (only, for some, possibly lacking the very newest volumes or a few monographs): NICOT, Hermeneia OT, NIB, Wisdom Commentary, OTL, all under Accordance. (I've got the full WBC set under WORDsearch and a few under Verbum.)

Another excellent volume for the purpose, though not available under Accordance is ICC 1-2 Kings, - so to support the suggestion of producing it, go to: https://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/17890-international-critical-commentary-and-forms-of-the-old-testament-literature/?p=87324


WBC is good, as it shows in my libraries for having duplicated several of the volumes, I even long ago bought a few print volumes, with weight NT though, in excellent shape, used, can't remember how much the postage was but it was little back then compared to now.


It's only now at this late phase that I make the kind of purchases that only complement specific parts of my Accordance library. I've been eyeing but not affording Kregel Exegetical Commentaries - probably won't ever afford it (what I buy under Accordance further on is largely language tools, lexicons), I've looked a little at them in the local seminary libraries.

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I don't own WBC on Accordance as that has quite the price tag even when on sale. I guess I will have to look into how much the WBC goes into the LXX vs MT and see if it is worth it when it goes on sale again. 


Hold that thought...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hold that thought...


Is it a coincidence that WBC went on sale the week after I mentioned this? Can I go 2 for 2 and say "I don't own NIGTC on Accordance, but will wait for it to go on sale" <wink> <wink>

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Definitely coincidence. WBC sale was already in the works. But I'm sure NIGTC will eventually be on sale. Just no "Hold that thought" that I can give you this time. :-(

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