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Bible for text links in User Notes


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I can't find the setting for the Bible the app uses for Text links in User Notes. They always pop up in the ESVS in instant details, which is a problem for books that aren't in the ESVS (e.g., Wisdom). I tried changing the primary text for hyperlinks in the Tool settings to NRSVS, but that only affects links in Tools, not in User Notes.

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I don’t believe there’s a setting text and alt text for Notes in the iOS app. Hopefully this is something that can be added soon.

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I would be happy if it used the same texts as Tools do.

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It's whatever Bible text is first in your library.


Currently there is no ability to set an alt-text in iOS, but the feature is on our list for implementation. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I couldn't find an existing topic for what I'm about to say, but this topic seemed the closest to it without me having to create a brand new topic...


But please allow Bible verses, etc. to be hyperlinked in User Notes (on PC).


I copy and paste chunks of material with Scripture references into my notes, but when I open my notes to read the material, the Scripture references are no longer hyperlinked.  Of course, that is a drawback.


Thank you.

Edited by TYA
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TYA, does pressing the Auto-link button after paste not work for you?  It's in the top right corner of the note editor.

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Yep, that does it.  Not sure why I would lose the hyperlinked formatting in the first place, when I copy and paste into the note.  But simply highlighting the material and using that auto-link you mentioned puts me back in the game.


Thanks, Joel!

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  • 4 years later...

Thanks for this helpful thread. I hadn't noticed the auto-link capability, but I will certainly use it now.


It would be nice, however, if it were able to parse verse references joined with a period, in addition to a colon. It works for '2 Sam 7:6' but not '2 Sam 7.6'.


I should say that I found this thread by searching. I'm actually doing this on a PC.

Edited by drmatt.thomas
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