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Shift Alt + and Shift Alt - don't function as before


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Shift Alt + and Shift Alt - don't function as before


They used make Accordance cycle thru the commentary s if a commentary was open in a tab, or thru the dictionaries if a dictionary was open...


However they change the font size now.


What to do?


Dave R

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However they change the font size now.


I confirm as a Windows user that "Shift Alt +" increases the font size with commentaries open, but "Shift Alt -" does nothing for me (i.e. doesn't reduce the font).  However, I've never used these functions in the past, so I can't speak to past functionality versus present functionality, for what it's worth.

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ahh... my mistake


"Shift Alt +" increases the font size and "Alt -" makes font smaller.


As mentioned above "Shift Alt -" does nothing.


Fact remains that none of this is as expected.


Thanks, Dave R.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dave,


The default Keyboard Shortcut for 'Select Next Tab' (in the Windows version) is: 'control + shift + } '. This is working correctly. If you have previously modified the shortcut, you may want to 'reset' it again.


The default Keyboard Shortcut for 'Increasing All Pane Font Sizes' (in the Windows version) is: 'control + alt + +'. The default Keyboard Shortcut for 'Decreasing All Pane Font Sizes' is: 'control + alt + - ' These are working as expected.


The default Keyboard Shortcut for 'Zoom in /Increase Text Size' (in the Windows version) is: 'control + +'. The default Keyboard Shortcut for 'Zoom out / Decrease Text Size' is: 'control + - ' These are working as expected.


I can confirm what you are saying about 'Shift + Alt + +' increasing the font size and 'Shift + Alt + - ' doing nothing, but I have not been able to find any reference to that key combination in the Accordance Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts section. 





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hmm, I learned some things.


Never realized how much control I had over that. I never set any of the hot keys, I wasn't smart enough to know how.


But I did look up my preferences see attached. It says "Ctrl+{" or "Ctrl+}" are what mine is set to but they don't seem to do anything.


When I try to reset it to "Ctrl+shift+ +" it does like in the second attachment.


The "+" key results in that little "a".


Any clues?


Thanks, Dave.



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I changed it to "Ctrl+shift+Q" and "Ctrl+shift+E" and they do nothing.


I also noticed that I am unable to set it back to "Ctrl+}" and "Ctrl+{" I get "Ctrl+]" and "Ctrl+[" instead.


Apparently I do not know how to get an upper case keyboard entry while doing this.




p.s. I tried "Ctrl+<" to decrease context and it opens the set preferences window.

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Figured something out. We are not talking about the same thing.


I am talking about the feature that changes the targeted book to search in.


Did it manually in the attached screen shots labeled one, two, three,


In the past you could do this by hot keys, something like Ctrl+Shift++ or Alt+Shift++ but that feature has stopped working.






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Hi Dave,


You were right we were not talking about the same thing. We are trying to track down that keyboard shortcut that you are referring to, but have not had any luck with it yet.


Thanks for the screen shots. It helped us understand what you were telling us. By the way, what version of Windows are you using in the screen shots? It resembles XP.


We can communicate on this Keyboard Shortcut issue in support. We get busy in support and sometimes don't get to the forums.  We can post the resolution here when we find it.





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