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Misspelling in TWOT Lexicon


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Blessings Accordance Team.


See attached misspelling.


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There is a feature that allows us to inform Accordance of this kind of thing. It is the "Report a Correction" feature. If you highlight the word/sentence and then right click one of the options is to report a correction. This will send an email to the relevant person in Accordance who can then investigate and deal with the issue. It is their preferred way of dealing with these as they have the processes in place to help improve the resources and it is easier for us  :)

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There's an update (2.4) released today that fixes a lot of misspellings. We also added links to TDOT.

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Let me add that there are a lot of spelling issues in older works that have been scanned. We really appreciate it when our users submit these correction reports!

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There is a feature that allows us to inform Accordance of this kind of thing. It is the "Report a Correction" feature.


Thank you, Steve.  I was told this before for another issue I pointed out, but for some reason I couldn't find the "Report a Correction" option this time around.  Thanks for the reminder on how to get to that option.

Edited by TYA
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