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Zoom for the internal picture viewer

Λύχνις Δαν

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Hi ya,


  Just got the Holman Atlas and installed it. I can see the images and so on but zoom would be really nice in the internal viewer. I can of course use the external viewer and that works nicely, so this is not a high priority but it would be nice. Selection and cut and paste would be great too.




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Thanks Daniel, I'll add zoom for the internal viewer to the to-do list. What do you mean by selection and cut and paste?

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In Acc generally it is possible often (always ?) to select part of an image and copy it - so you can paste it into presentations or such. At least I think that's fairly widely supported - I haven't done it in a while. Anyhow it would be nice here if I'm not dreaming - or perhaps even if I am.




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Ah gotcha, copy/paste of the image - I thought you were referring to text for some reason. I'll add that to the list as well.

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