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Cross reference hyperlinks in Instant Detail popup


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I just returned to Accordance. I first dove in in March of 1998 with Gramcord on my PowerBook 1400. Recently I have been using Olive Tree.


I came back primarily because of the ability in Accordance to save my searches as documents. As I started using the software I felt like an adult returning to the home I grew up in. It was fun, familiar, it put a smile on my face, it made me feel at home.


But there were 2 immediate disappointments (I do most of my reading and study on my iPad):


1) In Olive Tree I had become accustomed to reading the Bible with NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible Notes open in the facing pane. A few days ago when I purchased my Accordance software that resource was not available. Before I even had a chance to make a future request, it showed up (I believe today)! Thank you Accordance. One disappointment eliminated!


2) I also became accustomed to looking up cross references while reading the English Bible. In Olive Tree those references are hyperlinked in the notes popup box. I know I can open the Bible Notes module in Accordance and access the hyperlinked cross references, but I would rather use that pane for something else (original language, commentary, NIV Cultural backgrounds Bible Study Notes, you get the idea). I would appreciate being able to immediately access cross references by having them hyperlinked in the Instant Detail popup box.


Please, if Olive Tree can do it, certainly Oak Tree can do it better! I would love a disappointment-less return to Accordance.


I also have to admit that the user interface is much more appealing in Olive Tree. It looks like it belongs on the iPad. I am surprised that something that came to life in a Mac environment can look so Win-doze-y on the iPad. I know (and respect the fact) that UI isn't your first priority. And I would rather that processing power not be diverted to graphics. I'm just sayin'. It wouldn't hurt to look like you're made for the iPad.


Thanks for listening!



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