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Accordance on E-readers running Android


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Have anybody tried the Accordance Android app on e-readers like:

Onyx Boox Note



The device runs android and have pretty good specs. Accordance I think would be a good match. If so, this combination could be great for study, since e-reader screens are much more comfortable to work with in the long run.

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  • 3 months later...

I've been longing for an e-ink Android device that runs Android 6.0 so I can use Accordance on a screen that doesn't hurt my eyes.


Well, my Likebook Mars finally showed up (a few weeks ago now) and I've put it through the wringer before deciding to make a recommendation. I have to say, I have read more of my Accordance resources in the past few weeks on my Mars than all my previous reading on Accordance. I used to just search and study. Now, I read Accordance deeply and immersively. 


I love Accordance on the Mars. It's the perfect screen and the perfect size and the 8 core Android Architecture runs Accordance (and many other reading apps) beautifully. I've done a video review just for Accordance users. Have a look!



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ok. Done! 


Not sure why the link doesn't work on the review. It's there. Just not clickable.

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  • 5 months later...

I had installed Accordance on a Fire HD Tablet on which I had side-loaded the Google play store.  It was working fine until I made the mistake of joining the Beta program.  Then it started just immediately shutting down when I would start the app.   I finally had to quit the beta program and re-install the older version.  I hope that is not an indication of what I can expect when the next release comes out of Beta.

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If you report the crashes, Matt will do his best to fix them before the release.

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