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Accordance Mobile for Android version 1.1.x Official Releases

Mike Garrity

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Three main new features:

A. Instant Details.
B. Hypertext links. (Most, not supporting website URLs and possibly other things.)
C. Picture thumbnails and hypertext to an internal or Android picture viewer.
  1. Now, the Android back button will take you back from an Instant Details Search, Amplify or Go. ("Go" is the option when you do ID on tool and want to "Go" there.) 
  2. The back button will also take you 'back' through your previous hypertext jumps, the hypertext stack. (Once you've gone all the way back through the hypertext stack is It will exit the app.) 
  3. Preferred ID target content selections can be set up via a new tab in Settings, and these will be used, regardless of Library order.
  • New option in ID Settings for internal (ImageView Activity) or external (whatever in Android responds to an image intent) option for viewing pictures when the thumbnails are tapped.
  • Removed (currently) inoperable commands from the Advanced Search Dialog.
  • Improved insertion of WITHIN, RANGE and Key to include a '?' and set the selector for typing to that question mark. 
  • Tweaked the AdvancedSearchDialog to show the screen keyboard after a command selection.
  • Removed COUNT command.
  • Improved clause searching by porting in a fair amount of new code.
  • Now a message is presented on a failed Tool search.
  • Adjusted the font size and width of the content selection list for certain screen widths.
  • Enhanced the 'clear search' button for tool searches so a long press clears the search entry and the search field, whereas a short press will just clear the search entry.
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Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.2 (9866) has been published on Google Play and Amazon Appstore.



Added more crash protection for various issues including:
  • Internet access (account login, Easy Install)
  • Instant Details on original language words.
  • Scrolling text.
  • Tool search parse.
Edited by Mike Garrity
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  • 2 weeks later...

Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.3 (9889) has been published on Google Play and Amazon Appstore.



Added more crash protection for various issues including:
  • Internet access (account login, Easy Install)
  • Instant Details on original language words.
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Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.4 (9900) has been published on Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

  • Now the Library recents will bring the most recent content to the top of the recents list.
Added more crash protection for various issues including:
  • Easy Install (Module downloading and installation)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.6 (9985) has been published on Google Play and Amazon Appstore.

Added more crash protection for various issues including:
* Easy Install (Module downloading and installation)
* Scrolling and pane syncing.
* Advanced Searching
* Alert views.
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Is this posted for direct download? I see 1.1.5 which is not mentioned above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.7 (10030) has been published on Google Play,  Amazon Appstore, and our servers for direct download.



* The search field type of a tool was being ignored if it was the last field type for the tool.
Added more crash protection for various issues including:
* Networking
* Text handling, file handling
* Settings.
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Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.8 (10050) has been published on Google Play, submitted to Amazon Appstore, and our servers for direct download.



Added more crash protection for various issues including:
* Easy Install (Module downloading and installation)
* Searching
* Text rendering.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.9 (10101) has been published on Google Play, submitted to Amazon Appstore, and posted on our servers for direct download.

  • Where GNT-28T (and others) would have Instant Details look-ups off by one or two words in some places with paragraph style display.
  • Instant Details display bug on un-tagged English texts, where the English word wouldn't be converted to English a second time, garbling the text.
  • Other fixes in specialized Hebrew handling, Advanced Search dialog, ListViews, Settings, networking.
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Accordance Mobile for Android v1.1.10 (10117) has been published on Google Play, submitted to Amazon Appstore, and posted on our servers for direct download.

  • In tools, on untagged Greek / Hebrew words, Instant Details would appear with menu options that didn't work, when Instant Details shouldn't have appeared at all. This has been corrected.
  • In texts, synchronizing verses like Mt 1:0 to a text that didn't have such a heading would flip to Gen 1:1 (or some such). Now it attempts the subsequent verse, and if that succeeds, it syncs there. If the subsequent verse fails, it does not attempt a sync
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