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Difficulties with custom lists

Anthony Sepulveda

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I don't know if this is a bug, or something that was just overlooked in programming, or something that I just don't know how to do correctly.


I'm using Acc12.2.5 on Win10, and I don't know how to display the custom list that I've just created for the timeline. And neither do the predefined custom lists ('Kings of Judah/Israel','Example user items') appear among the options to select.


Also, clicking on 'all' does not transfer the items to the list. And trying to go around it, I tried Shift-selecting the entire list, but when the items get transferred to the list, only the 'alternate items' get transferred (i.e., for items 1-5, only items 1,3,5 get transferred to the list, skipping items 2 and 4).


I was thinking of using this capability in the timeline for a class I'm supposed to give in a couple of days, but having come across these obstacles I might no longer be able to display on the timeline only the items that are relevant to the lesson. :(


Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by Anthony Sepulveda
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I see the problem with 'all' and with Shift-Select + paste.  This should be fixed in the next build.


I am still researching why the customized items are not showing in the list of Items to display.

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After you create your custom list, you have to add the custom list you created to a layer in the "Define Item Layers" dialog.  You can either add it to one of the existing layers, or create a new layer for it.  Then you select the layer you created in the dropdown list.  Alternatively, the "All User Items" layer should already contain the list you made.


The problem with the "All" button IS a bug.  I've fixed it, but you won't see that fix until we do another release.  In the meantime, you can add items to a custom list individually.

Edited by Silas Marrs
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Okay. I hope I can get used to this soon, because it doesn't seem so intuitive.



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