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Image Size

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Mmmh earlier it was easy to upload some images. Now I get often a message the image is to big in size.


I can only send an image fo 53KB. And If I send one with 25KB then I have only 28KB rest.





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Whats wrong???


Now I have only 1.02KB left. With every image I posted the contingent shrinks.






Edited by Fabian
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Mmmmh, maybe an update of the forums software would be good. You use still 3.4.8 and the newest is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invision_Community






O.K. I understand now why. 


From the German site. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP.Board

IP.Board 4.0 wird als Modul zu IPS Community Suite veröffentlicht. Mit dem Schritt bricht Invision Power Services Lifetime und Perpetual-Lizenzinhaber den Vertrag lebenslang Updates und Upgrades für das IP.Board zu erhalten.


Short translation: IPS Community Suite has canceled the contract for Lifetime Updates and Upgrades.

Thats bad. So with the version 3.x you have it but you don't get one anymore. And with 4.x it costs. 





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Do I need a new profile to upload images again? A 2nd one called "Fabian images" or "Fabian Images1" then "Fabian Images2" etc.   :rolleyes:





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Fabian, this has nothing to do with our version of IP.Board.  We've added a new member rank for you (and some others) that increases the upload limit.  Enjoy!

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Thanks it works again.





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