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New Web Links in Tools

David Lang

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Now that the Library 8 and Scholar's 8 are released, I can talk about a new feature of Accordance 8 which we've just begun to take advantage of: links from Accordance tools to web URLs. I've written about this on the Accordance blog, and shown how the new Hymns module now includes a link to the iTunes store. But we've really just scratched the surface with this feature.


So I'm interested to hear your suggestions. Are there web resources you would like to see Accordance link to? If so, what are they and why do you think they're worthwhile. Sell us on an idea, and you may see it in an upcoming Accordance tool.

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One thing that I found every helpful while learning NT Greek on my own was www.teknia.com (Dr. Mounce's website for Basics of Biblical Greek). There website is far better now than it was 5 or 6 years ago, but maybe add links to the summary lectures by Dr. William Mounce in Basics of Biblical Greek before each chapter. They come with the hard copy of the book and are invaluable resource for those who are learning on their own.

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Sorry, we are unable to upload David's latest blog post. Hope it will be up soon.

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Amazon links... if I am doing a search in an module that references a book or resource that is not a current module in Accordance a link to Amazon might be good to help me find at least where I can look at that particular citation.

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What about User Tools? Are there any plans to allow linking from within user created tools?

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I knew that question would pop up soon. If I have my way, yes, but I can't make any promises.

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I knew that question would pop up soon. If I have my way, yes, but I can't make any promises.


Well, if you want to be on a par with many other competing Bible software packages, you better "have your way..." ;)

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What about User Tools? Are there any plans to allow linking from within user created tools?


Ditto. That would be great.

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This is the internet... why not let a user amplify on the fly to any web resource (the user could supply the search syntax or maybe a plug-in architecture could be developed)? Just to name some of the obvious ones: Wikipedia, Google Books and Maps, Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, Project Perseus (e.g., their tools), the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon, etc.

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What about User Tools? Are there any plans to allow linking from within user created tools?

I have a very specific spin on this. I'd like to see the ability to link from User Tools to various books/sections in existing modules added as a feature. My current work using Accordance is to develop homilies and I'd like to reference various homilies in the Church Fathers modules.

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I'm a bit skeptical about this because URLs are always changing. You might ship some product with links that people are still using 2, 3 or even more years later, and in the meantime the internet has changed completely and all the URLs are broken. I'd say make some modules if you like that specialise in URLs, but keep them out of regular modules.

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I have a very specific spin on this. I'd like to see the ability to link from User Tools to various books/sections in existing modules added as a feature. My current work using Accordance is to develop homilies and I'd like to reference various homilies in the Church Fathers modules.


Knew that request was coming too. :)

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I'd like to see links to other primary texts, like the Apostolic Fathers, from within tools like BDAG.

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I'd like to see links to other primary texts, like the Apostolic Fathers, from within tools like BDAG.


...And Philo... and Josephus

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Ditto. That would be great.

I agree. I was going to recommend linking to Goolge Books. I have found that to be an invaluable resource.

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I'd like to see links to other primary texts, like the Apostolic Fathers, from within tools like BDAG.


That would be completely awesome, but I suspect it won't happen due to the enormous work involved.

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I think JP has hit the mark with this one, as well as Robb. Linking to other primary texts with Accordance modules would be fantastic. Perhaps Google Scholar would be a good all around choice, as google books (and JSTOR and many other databases) are all indexed by google books. So what if a user could highlight a portion of text and tell Accordance (in the contextual menu perhaps) to search that word/phrase in google scholar?


Reading your first post, I was hoping there was an element in v.8 that I had missed

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