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Create Your Own Concordance


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Have any of you used Accordance to create your own concordance? It'd be great to have a list of Scriptures, personally chosen, for each topic. Even better would be the ability to have the verses with hyperlinks to show the verse in instant details.




Edited by rayvfr
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Hi ray.

Interesting question. Can you explain how you would use your own one if created? Thanks


I haven’t used my printed concordance since getting Accordance as I search with context set to 0 so get a list in seconds as and when I want it.


Usually I need to try different searches but also I can use range to limit it to nt, ot, gospel, wisdom etc.


I do use analytics a lot to compare how the original language words are translated but that is something different.


You mention topics, is this instead of scriptural word of a typical concordance? If so depending on the number of topics, you could run a search and add them to a paper?



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First I thought of User Notes, but then I read Topic so I would do it in User Tools. You can do it in Accordance or in Word 16 and above. 


In Accordance and Word you have to set each Topic as heading. Below you can add Scripture References. Headings are not really necessary except for a huge file. But for better organize. You can set heading levels from 1-9.


If you have done it in Word export it as HTML filtered. Not the normal HTML. You can then it import as HTML in Accordance and all References get linked so it shows in the Instant Details. They are also linked if you do it in Accordance. If they are with in English or the English abbreviations.


See your User Tool Sample in the Library and the first two from http://www.accordancefiles1.com/exchange/tools.htm





Edited by Fabian
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