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Split screen change in 2.6


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Posted this on the announcement thread - reposting here so hopefully will get a response as concerns iOS 2.6 update...



Posted 19 December 2017 - 12:52 AM


Thanks for the update, some very cool new features for both PC and iOS.

One question about the split screen on iOS, on my iPhone I generally have two resources open and if reading the text I slide the bar all the way down to eliminate the commentary (or press the split screen button) and likewise if I want to just read the commentary I slide the bar all the way to the top to hide the text. Since the update the bar no longer slides all the way to the top or bottom, but now leaves 3 lines of text visible. Why has this been changed? 3 lines of text is not the end of the world but on a small screen it’s a bit more limiting. Seems like an odd thing to restrict, unless I’m missing something?

Thanks Paul

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any response to this question from iOS support?

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Apple has strongly discouraged any actions that involve swiping from the bottom or the side, so we had to make a change in 2.6 to remove the splitter when it is fully closed.  This also meant you can't drag to close the splitter, as this could lead to problems where a user unintentionally removes the splitter and is unaware how to bring it back.  The current minimum sizes are designed to allow the pane to still be useful, but we'll consider reducing the minimums in the future to restore this action of yours.


Thanks for the feedback!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Accordance for improving this split screen issue in the latest iOS update 2.6.3 today :)

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