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Timothy Jenney

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If you are brand new to Accordance's Search Analytics (Analyses), consider watching #138) Analyzing Searches first, as it contains more basic information. 


This week's podcast,  #151) Improved Analytics, covers Accordance 12's improvements to these features. They not only feature updated graphics, but allow us to dig deeper into our search results than ever before. We can now zoom and pan graphs, explore interactive Charts and individual Chart segments, triple-click a term in Analysis to see just those occurrences, even click a reference in the Concordance to open it in its own Text pane. Join me (Dr. J) as we highlight these features and other improvements in Accordance 12’s Search Analytics.

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Is there any way we can flag podcasts as important?


This is a gem among gems and has so many tricks included, its one i shall need to revisit several times (i'm with solly on this one!).




Reading the good shepherd by kenneth bailey, looking at the chapter on zechariah 10, the word 'redeemed' (verse 5) popped out at me and so this pod cast has been extremely timely as i have started to dig into it.

Edited by ukfraser
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Thanks, Fraser!


I'm going to be a long time learning all the new features, too. I've learned the programmers can add them far faster than I can get my head around them.


Stay tuned. Next podcast will be on Research Analytics. That's where Accordance 12 really blew my mind.

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I look forward to the podcast on Research Analytics!  :D

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