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Automatic Strongs/GK Conversion

Brett K.

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This one is still driving me crazy. I triple-clicked a word in the ESVS. It opens to the entry in Kohlenberger/Mounce Hebrew with the Strong's number in the search field. Now I want to switch to the NIDOTTE. I change to that tool and the search field becomes "Hebrew Entry" and the Strong's number is the value. Obviously that won't work. But the NIDOTTE doesn't use Strong's numbers--only GK. Then I have to go back to the Kohlenberger/Mounce, copy the GK number, go back to the NIDOTTE, switch the search field to GK number, then paste the value. I'm exhausted.

It would be very cool if I'm in Kohlenberger/Mounce, I switch to NIDOTTE, and it automatically goes to the correct word.

Am I missing something?


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Why not select the Hebrew word in K/M and then amplify to NIDOTTE?


Or triple-click the original Hebrew word in a parallel Hebrew text. Then it will search for the Lexical form and you can usually change the resource and still find the word.

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I don't mean this to be snippy, but why not just switch to the NIDOTTE and have Accordance look up the same word I'm already looking at in K/M?

Yes there are extra steps and ways to do it, but ideally, Accordance would show me the word I'm already looking at.

I'm looking at it in the K/M. It knows the strong's key from the ESV triple click. When I change the pop-up menu to the NIDOTTE, it would be cool for it to automatically open to that word. That's why I mentioned that it would be cool if Accordance had a little extra AI and could relate the strong's key to the g/k key when necessary. Or even have it understand the g/k key, the hebrew word, transliteration, etc. based on the strong's key. Then, if you switch to a tool that doesn't have a strong's key, Accordance automatically uses one of the other attributes to find the word in the tool to which you switch.

Basically, when you first do the triple-click search, Accordance stores all of the available fields and values for that word in some kind of "search array" (or "search object"). The object's properties contain all of the data for that word (strong's key, g/k key, hebrew, transliteration, etc.) which it gathers from whatever sources Accordance has avilalble--or some kind of back-end master lexicon. When you switch to a tool that doesn't have the strong's key, it calls a method from the search object to determine which property the tool can use then inserts one of the search object's other properties into a field the tool does contain.

Instead, every time a tool doesn't have the field for the current search value, I have to manually tell it to use some other field to search that tool (and possibly have to go back and get the correct value for that field from the previous tool). I am doing the work that could be contained in the search object.

Accordance is awesome, I know I'm just getting greedy. :-) I would just like to be able to triple click the ESV then switch to whichever Hebrew (or Greek) tool I want and have it know which word I want to see based on the info passed when I triple clicked. Otherwise, I'm just relooking up the same word over again using different methods. I want Accordance to be smarter than me and know what I want before I want it. :-)

Edited by Brett K.
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 I want Accordance to be smarter than me and know what I want before I want it. :-)

Maybe this comes with the Siri intergration. Apple is pushing the artificial intelligence.


Or you do http://accordancefiles2.com/helpfiles/OSX12/Default.htm#topics/04_gswa/using_the_toolbar.htm#kanchor224for your preferred Lexicons. Which came with 11.2.





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Yes, I have that all set up. But I consult many lexicons not just my preferred.


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If you have one lexicon open you can click in the opened module and then with arrow left and right go through all your lexicons very quickly IF you have post-32723-0-50564800-1497364316_thumb.png.





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Except it cannot find the current word if that word was found by strong's key (triple-click) and the next tool does not have a strong's key field.


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Then you have to organize your library in which the modules with Strong's tagging are together. Beginning from the top (Mounce) with the same module which you have set in the Setup-Assistent (under the Help menu).


The second part, you have anyway to do for a good experience with Accordance.





Edited by Fabian
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Now you are getting it. Ideally, I shouldn't have to do that. Accordance should know. I should be able to triple-click a word in a text, it opens using the strong's key in the preferred lexicon, then when I switch to any other lexicon in the same language, it automatically finds that word whether it has the strong's key field or not.

I know how to work around it. But that's the problem. I want Accordance to work around it for me. Go back and read my "search object" paragraph for a very rough, very off the top of my head thought on how it may work (even though I know nothing of the Accordance programming). I'm simply saying it can be done and it would make Accordance that much smarter.

Again, I love Accordance. It's awesome. It would just be cool if the application itself became even smarter in how it handles the situation I mention. That could accelerate our speed to the singularity, but I'll take that risk. :-)


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