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Crash report for Windows?


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I have only had Accordance for 2 weeks, I'm on version 11.2.3 (Essentials collection + some commentary and dictionary add ons) and use Windows 10, but it's crashed several times during this short time, maybe upwards of 10 times. It's happened when I've opened a tool like the word chart or tried to drag a pane to another location. Basically I'm exploring stuff, trying out searches or research or tweaking settings and all of a sudden Accordance is gone, when I reload a message says it was shut down improperly or crashed and reverts to the last saved version. I couple of times this has meant settings, workspaces I have just created or whatever I was just working on has been lost. Yesterday I downloaded a new purchased resource using easy install and it crashed after installing and would not reload the last saved point. I was hoping to begin doing sermon prep in the user notes module but am worried at the rate of crashes that I may lose work.


Is there a crash report in in the windows version of Accordance that could be sent that would help identify the cause of the crashes? I haven't been able to duplicate any at the moment, it seems pretty random.


Thanks Paul

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Crash reports are stored in your C:\ProgramData\Accordance\Logs.  If you find there any, please send them to me in a private message.


Since this problem is not happening to other users, it sounds like your Accordance installation was incomplete.  Installs will work best if you download the install and run it from your download folder.  Please remove the program, using the Control Panel (you do not need to remove any of the Accordance files - press 'No' on that dialog) and reinstall.


Let me know if you need any help with this.

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Thanks Orly,


There are 7 crash reports in the folder, I couldn't work out how to send to you as a PM, what is the best support e-mail address?


I installed and ran Accordance from the download folder, I wonder if there may be a conflict with the demo version I had installed before? (I uninstalled the same day but after I had installed the full version)


Thanks Paul

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I run Accordance on a Mac, but I found out by friends, that it is a bad choice to Install the full Accordance on a machine which has installed the Demo. 





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Hi Paul,


You can contact us directly in support. It does sound like something is wrong. An incomplete installation, a bad workspace or some other damaged component can cause issues. It will probably be best to screen share to track this down.


You can download 'TeamViewer' from www.teamviewer.com (it's free and fast) and send us your TeamViewer user ID and password and we can arrange a time for one of us to access your computer with a screen share to help correct this issue for you.


You can call us in support at: 407-339-0266, email us at: support@accordancebible.com or Skype us at: oaktreesupport. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Eastern.


If your call goes to voicemail, then we are helping other customers and will call you back as soon as possible.







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Thanks Billy,


I'll e-mail the error reports to you now.



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  • 1 month later...

I am also having the crash problem. Windows 10, Accordance 11.2.4.

I've had it for a week and it has crash maybe 6 times.




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