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Export Selected Data...

Ken Stockdell

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I love the ability to export data to my reference/citation manager (Sente is what I'm using). I attempted to do that today from the NIVAC NT module and the only volume that was included in the resulting RIS file was the 1&2 Thessalonians one. The NIVAC OT exports correctly as do the other modules I have tried. Any hints on what to try?


I am using 11.2.0 on OS X 10.11.5. I have attached a PDF of the RIS file that results from the NIVAC NT export. I couldn't attach the RIS file itself.




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  • 3 years later...

Even in 2019 I am having difficulty with this feature. Here are some experimental results with RIS export.


In Accordance 12.3.6 running on macOS 10.14.6:

  1. When I select one module in the Library view and right-click on it, I may only get no export command (texts in normal groups like "Keyed English").
  2. With others I (e.g., "ESV with Strongs" in Recently Opened group) I get just the command to "Export All Data...". Choosing "Export All Data..." exports RIS records for all modules in the library into a single RIS file. BibDesk 1.7 opens this large bibliography readily and saves it in its own format.
  3. Some modules, such as "Nestle-Aland 28 Apparatus", export bibliographic data individually to RIS format just fine.
  4. Other modules (e.g., "Devotions on Greek NT") offer and respond to the command "Export Selected Data...", but they do not result in RIS contents in the file, which has a size of zero bytes.

Are others experiencing uneven export behaviors?

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