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Detail window size grows when minimizing and maximizing Accordance


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Each time I minimize and maximize Accordance the height of the detail window increases about 1 or two pixels.

It doesn't matter if the Accordance Window is fullscreen or not.


Accordance Version: 11.1.6

Windows 8.1 x64

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  • 11 months later...

Still the same issue in 12.0.5 when the window is maximized (could reproduce it when it's not maximized first).

I created a small video to illustrate what I mean. I put a window to the left as a reference point where the detail pane is initially. When I maximized/minimized accordance several times you can see that the detail pane has increased in size. I didn't change anything myself.

2017-04-03 13-36-30.zip

Edited by Elijah
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