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searching for highlighted words

Anthony Sepulveda

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I'm trying to learn more Hebrew vocabulary, and as I read a text I highlight the words that I still don't know. Is there a way to search for all these highlighted words (or words with a specific type of highlight), instead of having to scroll through the texts in order to find and review them?


...or if anyone can suggest a better method for learning and reviewing vocabulary through a continuous reading of Hebrew texts, I'd be glad to hear about it.



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Just use the [sTYLE ?] command. For example, I have a style I've named "Important". You can enter [sTYLE Important] and find all your highlighted text.

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Just a follow-up question: I've been highlighting verbs, adjectives and nouns. Is there a way to ask Accordance to show me, for example, only the non-verbal terms that have been highlighted (or vice-versa: only the verbs)?



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Unfortunately, searching for highlights right now only finds the verses that contain a highlight, not individual characters or words. So, while you can limit your search to verse results that contain both highlighted terms and verbs ([VERB] [sTYLE ?]), you can't find just highlighted verbs.

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Okay; but could something still be done about it in a future release? (well, I do hope so) I don't know if there's an easy way to check whether the highlighted text is an entire word, or group of words, or characters that are just part of words, to know which content has to be left out of this kind of search...



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