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Group Bible Study in Accordance


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We've talked about this before, but it's worth repeating: now that you can take notes in any title in Accordance (forthcoming for Accordance Mobile), Accordance is a great tool for group Bible study. 


Take N. T. Wright's For Everyone Bible Study Guides and For Everyone Commentary on the New Testament (both on sale this week for over 25% off). Questions can be answered directly in the study guide using User Notes. See this screenshot for example:


For Everyone Bible Study.png


I believe this will be even more beneficial once the notes-everywhere feature is available for Accordance Mobile, since a tablet in a group setting might be more accommodating than a laptop; but Windows tablets would certainly work fine right now. 

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...once the notes-everywhere feature is available for Accordance Mobile...


Is that a teaser? :)

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Not intended to be. That feature is a priority for Accordance Mobile and will eventually be here, but I have no date.


I created the screenshot for social media promotion today, and as I reflected on it, I was just struck by how awesome the whole thing is. So I shared it here.

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I've been wondering if this could be applied to language workbooks to answer exercises. I think it could. I prefer long hand myself but the question of workbooks in Acc. has come up before.




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That is a pretty sweet Workspace.


I agree, but I don't mean that in a bragging sense. I was just looking at the screen and the more I thought about it, the more awesome I thought it was. I've been using Accordance for 17 years and even work for the company now, but I still get excited about this stuff. 



I've been wondering if this could be applied to language workbooks to answer exercises. I think it could. I prefer long hand myself but the question of workbooks in Acc. has come up before.


Absolutely! Check out my post, "Answering Grammar Exercises in Accordance" that I wrote earlier this summer. 

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