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Obtaining the NA27 Apparatus

Tim Sohn

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I already own the GNT-T module and would like to get the apparatus. Is there any way to buy the apparatus separately? It seems redundant to have to purchase the whole Mac Studienbibel CD-ROM, Stuttgart Original Language Collection when most of those modules came with the Scholar's Edition.


We often get this question, and the answer is no, the German Bible Society will not license the apparatus modules, they only publish them together on the one CD-ROM.


That said, there is relatively little overlap between the modules included in the price of the Studienbibel, and our Scholar's Collection: only the LEH-2 Septuagint Lexicon, BDB, and Vulgate. The tagged texts are not included in the price; the GNT and BHS texts that are included have the markers for the apparatus (which our modules do not). It's really best to consider that you are paying for the apparatus, and the other modules are a bonus.


However, if you have paid separately for LEH-2 or Vulgate within 3 months of ordering the Studienbibel, we can give you credit for those modules. This is our grace period policy and applies whenever you order a separate module and then order a package that includes it, such as our add-on packages, or a CD-ROM that includes a Bible such as Word Biblical Commentary and NKJV.


Okay, I understand. I guess to me it'd be nice if the whole tagged text/apparatus was available as one text instead of having to separate them all out. Thanks for the response.


On a side note, can anyone comment on how the NA27 apparatus compares to the CNTTS critical apparatus?


There is an article on that topic here, and a new article on the CNTTS here.


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