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Theology Resources

Tom Castle

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What is included in Accordance that are Wesleyan/Arminian based theology modules? Are there any??

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Wesley's notes on the Bible, Adam Clarke's works, including his commentary on the Bible and his systematic theology, and John Wesley's sermons are available. If you count Finney as an Arminian (rather than a Pelagian) then you'd include his systematic theology under that heading as works available from that tradition. If my memory is correct, you could also include the hymns of Isaac Watts. Since I am Reformed, I might think someone is Arminian that you don't (or that someone has Arminian tendencies), but I think these names are pretty well agreed upon as hailing from the Wesleyan tradition.

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Helen or David can probably give you a more thorough answer, but I know there are the following:


Wesley's Notes (Introductory Level)

Select Theological Writings of Adam Clarke (Standard Level or Classic I;details on the website)

Selected works of John and Charles Wesley (Premier Level or Classic II; I don't know what writings are included)

Clarke's Commentaries (Premier Level of Classic II)


There's also the one-volume Asbury Bible commentary on the Zondervan Scholarly Bible Study Suite CD-ROM


There may well be others; the list above is a combination of ones I knew about and what came up when I searched for "Wesleyan" at the Accordance site. If you have particular theologians in mind, you could search for them at the Accordance site.


Edit: I see Robb beat me to it. And I'd forgotten about Watts.

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Robb and Lorinda have already covered most of the specifically Wesleyan works we currently have available. Here are a few more general resources which you may also find helpful:


Schaff's Creeds of Christendom (Library 7-Premier Level) covers Wesleyan doctrine in general as well as specific Wesleyan creeds.


IVP's Dictionary of Theology (IVP Essential Reference Collection) and Zondervan's New International Dictionary of the Christian Church (Zondervan Scholarly Suite) are both excellent resources for looking up individual theologians and theological movements.


Hope this helps.

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