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Easy Install on a Windows Tablet


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Normally, when installing titles from Easy Install, the user can shift-click any of the checkboxes to select or deselect all items.


However, I've found that when using a Windows tablet that is not connected to a keyboard, this is impossible to do. Although there is an onscreen keyboard in Windows, holding the on-screen shift button and then tapping a checkbox does not result in selecting or deselecting all titles.


Is there any other way to select or deselect all titles in Easy Install? If not, can there be an alternative method developed (or perhaps just modified to work with the on-screen keyboard)? Thanks.

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Rick, are you saying the stylus didn't work either?

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Rick, last time I tried, if you had the onscreen keyboard that was not detached (i.e. you have the one that resized the screen), you could tap Shift, it would remain selected, but you could interact with the Accordance program.

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Rick, are you saying the stylus didn't work either?


No, I was using the stylus and the virtual keyboard. I'll try Joel's suggestion and report back.

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Rick, last time I tried, if you had the onscreen keyboard that was not detached (i.e. you have the one that resized the screen), you could tap Shift, it would remain selected, but you could interact with the Accordance program.


Joel, the full onscreen keyboard (with the number row across the top) worked. Thanks.


On a related note, I find that it's better to install titles in the Windows version of Accordance in batches rather than all at once. If you have the box checked to hide installed titles, that remains checked after each batch refreshes. However, the list always comes back with every title checked after it refreshes. It would be nice if after deselecting all titles, they would remain deselected when the last batch of titles has been installed and Accordance refreshes the list.


If the above does not make sense, let me know.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm revisiting this because the solution described above does not work on the new HP Stream 7 Windows tablet. To deselect all titles in Easy Install (very important on a tablet with a 32 GB drive, much of which is taken up by Windows itself) using just the tablet (no external keyboard), I discovered that the full virtual keyboard (the one with the numbers across the top) is grayed out on the Stream 7. This is probably due to the small size of the Windows 7 screen.


I paired a Bluetooth keyboard with the Stream 7 to make this work, but this may not be a reasonable solution for everyone.

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