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Mark As Read

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My normal check on the forum is "View New Posts". When finding and reading a single item, it seems it would be good to have a "Mark as Read" button on the header of each posting since the forum software does not recognize that the post has been read. Shouldn't it recognize that I have read the post and automatically mark as read ?? Presently the "View New Posts" must be invoked a second time to find a "Mark as Read" button to activate.

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I raised a similar point early on (perhaps in the testing phase). This is simply a bug/failure on the webboard software. I've frequented a few webboards over the years, and they always seem to remember that I've visited a post. I click the link and read... read the post... go back to the forum list and it's marked as read. There's no excuse for it operating otherwise.

Until the Invision folks get this fixed, clear placement of buttons as Mick suggests are needed.

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I've noticed this problem on this board and another invision board I frequent. One solution I have is to check up each post for the session, then hit the "Mark all posts as read" button near the bottom of the window. Its an extra step, but till Invision fixes it it'll have to do. I'll dig a bit and see if I can make that button a bit more accessible.

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I find it easiest to simply refresh the page that lists the new topics.

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I think that 'marking as read' is different than 'viewing new posts'.


When I visit the forum, I use this 'View New Posts', URL

View New Posts

which is located at the top right of the main page. I then read each new post, then reinvoke the 'view new posts' so that I can 'Mark As Read' those posts I have just read as 'Read'. Once read, I really don't think of them as new or unread any longer.


Anyway, I may be mistaken, but it seems that when I read a post the software should automatically mark that post as 'Read, since that is the action I just performed.


It seems to me this would be an important glitch for Invision to fix quickly for the benefit of all their message board customers. I've not heard if Joel had any news in this area.


I'm not grousing. I'm just wanting to understand and make sure I'm most efficient in my viewing habits.

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