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BUG: Pictures Zone


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A few issues:


1. When I press F1 (Help key for Accordance for Windows), Accordance launches the folder where the Helps files are located (e.g. H:\Program Files (x86)\Oaktree\Accordance\Resources\Accordance Help) instead of the Help system for Pictures Zone.


2. The text size that usually accompanies each figure is very small. How do you adjust the font size? See screenshot.


3. Looking at the Help content about the Pictures Zone (see screenshot), I have tried the implementation as described:


- To zoom in on an area of an image, select and double-click an area of the image: this works.


- Shift+ Ctrl+ Click also zooms in on an image: this works; using the mouse, press the scroll wheel each time to scroll horizontally (continuous signal to the scroll wheel does nothing); turn the wheel to scroll vertically in the picture.


- To navigate sequentially through pictures in a module, click the Previous (arrow) or Next (arrow) buttons: this works, but note: left / right keyboard arrow keys will allow you to navigate backwards or forwards; up / down arrow keys wil navigate backwards only.


You can scroll through the image in a variety of ways.


- Drag the horizontal or vertical scrollers: this works.


- Shortcut Keys move the image left, right, up, or down in the Pictures zone:
Ctrl+, Ctrl+, Ctrl+, Ctrl+: this works when picture is zoomed in from default.


- Ctrl+Click and hold on the image. The cursor changes to a grab hand. Drag the image up, down, left, or right, as desired: this does not work for me. It seems I can move the picture in one direction.


- Scroll through the image using scroll wheel (if available): this does not work with my mouse.








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You are right about the help. F1 seems to call something that is not found. Thank you for reporting that.

You are also right about

- Using the 'grab hand' seems to pan the picture only in one direction.

- Pressing Shift+Ctrl and moving the mouse wheel does not move the image sideways.


I will look into these items.


Does your mouse wheel work in every other application you have?

Somebody else will have to answer Item 2 on your list.

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Hello Orly,





You are right about the help. F1 seems to call something that is not found. Thank you for reporting that.

You are also right about

- Using the 'grab hand' seems to pan the picture only in one direction.

- Pressing Shift+Ctrl and moving the mouse wheel does not move the image sideways.


I will look into these items.


Does your mouse wheel work in every other application you have?


Somebody else will have to answer Item 2 on your list.


Hello Orly,


I misunderstood the scrolling with the mouse wheel; I was thinking of navigation through the pictures. My mouse wheel is fine in other apps and it works in Accordance. That item can be checked off as "it works".


Blessings to you,


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  • 4 weeks later...

In Accordance, the following are open issues:


- Ctrl+Click and hold on the image. The cursor changes to a grab hand. Drag the image up, down, left, or right, as desired: this does not work for me. I can move the picture in one direction only.


- When I press F1 (Help key), Accordance launches the folder where the Helps files are located (e.g. H:\Program Files (x86)\Oaktree\Accordance\Resources\Accordance Help) instead of the Help system for Pictures Zone.

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Both problems are reproducible and they will be fixed soon.

Thanks Orly.

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